Simulating Adverse Conditions to Help Distraction Control and Have Your Best Focus
Chapter 7: Distraction Control
Chapter 9: Simulation
Replicating Performance Demands
Finding Inspiration From Others
Embracing Simulation Benefits
Performance Situation Examples
Refocusing Plan
Acting on the Plan
Removing Barriers
Best Focus
Analyzing Distractions
Practice Appropriate Responses to Challenges
"Been There Before" Mentality
Practice for Your Best Focus
Mental Imagery
Practice Discomfort Barriers
Introduce Potential Distractions to Your Practice
Practice Expected Competition Demands
Bad Calls
Adverse Playing Conditions
Coming From Behind
Imagine Yourself Being that Great Athlete
Choose What You Want to Become
Do run-throughs
Look for Other Peoples Best Qualities to Replicate
Anticipating and Working through Challenges
Look for Advantages
Remember Distractions Do Not Consume You
Remain Positive and Relaxed
Make the Refocusing Plan a Daily Goal
Practice the Plan
Act in Positive Ways
Perfect Your Distraction Control Skills
Respecting Your Best Focus
Key to Preforming Your Best
Remove Distractions
Maintain a Fully Connected Focus
Maintain a Positive Attitude
Write Down Your Preferred Response
Write Refocusing Reminders
Label the Distractions