Video Production
The Call sheet
Externalizing the internal state of a character
To communicate a deeper meaning of a picture.
Crew all the information
Back-up plan
Make the atmosphere that show you the feeling in the senes.
Costs for the surrounding in the scene
Visual outline of the film, drawn by hand or graphic illustration to tell the film story visually, including characters, composition, framing and actions in sequence
Camera Movements
Composition Principle
Rule of Thirds
The basic principle that things look really good when you put points of interest on the thirds of your frame.
The pan
Fast-paced whip pan, quickly turn to see something. Slow pan is to give us time to take in the landscape.
The tilt
Often reveal something to us, suddenly redirecting our attention.
The zoom
A funny kind of punctuation because of its sudden nature.
The dolly
A smooth movement often on a track which moves the camera through a space, creating a different type of visual experience than the zoom or pan.
The Pedestal shot
Moves the camera up and down.
The Steadicam or Gimbals shot
Stabilized on the camera operator, it gracefully glides within a space.
What's your camera sees and by extension what your audience sees
Normally from one shot to another.
Cutting on action
Cutting from one shot to another while the character still have movement
cut away
cutting to an insert shot of something, and then back
cross out
jump cut
Cuts back and forth between locations
Cuts back and forth between locations
A match cut cuts from one shot to a similar shot, by either matching the action or the composition.
Fade in/ Fade out
It's just dissolving either to, or from, black.
It's when you blend one shot into another.
Smash cuts are abrupt transitions.
It used to be an in-camera effect back in the day, when you could manually open and close your iris to transition from black. Nowadays, it's used as a stylistic choice.
invisible cut
when the camera is pointed on the floor, and is hidden by a whip pan, a movement of the camera which is so fast that it blurs the picture into indistinct streaks.
a wipe is a wipe
L cut
It is an audio-based transition. This is when the audio from the current shot carries over to the next shot.
J cut
It is when the audio from the next scene starts BEFORE you get to it.
Motion Blur
relates to film and video is a result of shutter angle or shutter speed.