Face-to-face learning is more effective than online learning

B2: No interactions

B3: some people believe its comfortable

B1: poor quality of learning

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B2-C: Not easy to do peer work or groups classmates

B1-C: Lack of verbal and non verbal communication

No facial expression or gesture

B1-A: Not effective for visual learners

B1-B: Distractions

B2-B: Boredom

B2-A: No interaction with the instructor

No Social interaction with the classmates

Students cant address there questions and doubts immediately

From family members

Social media

as online learning lacks visual animations

No group work

B3-A: Easily accessible

B3-B: not time consuming

does not require people to commute or travel to their desired destination

Lectures can be accessed anywhere (home, outdoors, coffee shops)

The instructor will not understand that the idea was delivered to the students