What did the first world war reveal
How likely was war
Great Britain
Fearful of France as Germany attacked in 1870
I was friendly with Austria-Hungary
Want do declare more land, and get and empire
wants to make more friends
Friends with Austria-Hungary and Germany and Belguim
Doesn't like France and Russia
Wants to steal land
Want peace for good business
They are afraid that France and Russia might attack and steal their empire
They are afraid that France will gang up on them and steal their areas back
Friends with the Balkans, Bulgaria, Bosnia and France
They don't like Britain and Austria-Hungary
They want to expand their empire
Improve their army
They want to expand to China but they are afraid it might cause an argument with Britain
Friends with Russia
Doesn't like Germany and Britain
They want to ally with Russia and expand to North Africa
They are afraid that Britain will steal their land and Germany's power
They are friends with Germany and Britain
They don't like France and Russia
They want to take over Bosnia, Serbia, Romania and the Balkans
They try to avoid arguing with other countries
they are worried about the empire falling apart
The outbreak of the war
Russia would've been big but the problem was the naval ports. Russia couldn't get any supplies during the winter. They were determined that no great power. In order to keep the new ports safe Russia created an ally with Serbia.
Britain did not get involved in war. They kept out of other countries business. However, this changes because when they find out Germany attacked Belgium, and Britain defended Belgium which showed tolerance
Germany was paranoid that other countries didn't like them and wanted to attack. In the 1870s Germany made an alliance with Austria. In the 1900s it was believed in a policy that where Germany attacked before someone else attacked
The Assassination/the Balkans
The ottomans were to weak to hold on to the land. Because of this Serbia and other countries had broken out of the ottoman empire. It was very common for assassinations take place
Battles of WW1
3,000 years
outdated tech
used in mans 1917
machine guns
tanks 1916
Poor water dirty
live in them
trench foot
little food
soldiers if WW1
Over 1.5 million soldiers
112, 746 casualties
They served in France and Belgium
South Africa
100,000 soldiers
18,600 casualties
They served in East Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya and Uganda
200,000 people fought
100,000 casualties
They served in Iraq, Palestine and France
600,000 soldiers
260,000 casualties
They served in Europe
6.5 million
1 million causalties
They served Gallipoli, Turkey, Iraq and Palestine