African American Loyalists: Challenges

Physical Challenges

Emotional Challenges




Wanted their British Heritage


Wanted to be free


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Racism and Discrimination

The other loyalists received things that the black loyalists did not, like more land or better land because they are white.

Although the African Americans received some land, it was not as good of land as the other loyalists received and the Black Loyalists had to work as tenant farmers.

The Black Loyalists worked as tenants farmers. They farmed the plot of land they were given, but then they had to give away half of the money they got from sales to the land owners.

Most of the loyalists including the Black Loyalists did not want to settle in Quebec because of the unfamiliar languages.

The loyalists did not want to settle in Quebec. They wanted to keep their British Heritage and voiced their complaints to the British about wanting their own colony and institution.

They felt as though they couldn't be their own colony and have their own religion and language while living in Quebec because the French presence was so strong.


The Rebels beat and jailed them, ridiculed them and took away their land, property and possessions forcing the loyalists to flee.

Although the Rebels were doing all they could to hurt the loyalists physically they also hurt them emotionally. They took away their home and possessions and forced them to flee. It would be emotionally challenging to get kicked out of the place you call home.

Previously enslaved because they are black and because of their culture and religion.

Wanted to have their own things and government and to have their own way of doing it.