Female patient has yellow skin and eyes, loss of hair, weight, and menstrual cycle. Patient only eats organic and raw foods, consuming no dairy products, meat, gluten, processed, or cooked foods; also avoiding GMO's. Takes multivitamin daily
Background Information
RDA (Rational Daily Allowances): established values for amount of each nutrient that must be obtained every day
Raw water,a s in water that hasn't gone through the filtration process can cause an influx of different microbes introduced to the body's microbiota which can cause infection if the pt. is not taking proper precautions to combat this
Avoiding GMOs since GMOs consists of many different grains, leafy greens, meats, and starches that are vital for gaining the correct amount of macronutrients in the daily diet. Not all GMO's are bad, many actually have fortified properties to them which allow for the consumption of more essential nutrients that we may have difficulty consuming or may need to consume in higher quantities compared to the form of that food naturally.
Limiting access to actual meats, dairy products, and eggs; this is mainly unhealthy due to the patient not being able to gain proper amount of amino acids necessary for the body to make proteins to help aid in cellular reactions, biological processes of cells, and atrophy of certain tissues due to the inability to craft new muscle
Restricts the pts. diet further which leads to an increased risk of malnutrition due to not getting the vital amount of nutrients needed to maintain the body's optimum homeostasis
Patient not eating gluten can cause a deficiency in carbohydrates which could lead to not being able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of energy; this would cause the body to have to resort to using lipids for an energy source which leads to acidosis
Patient not eating processed or cooked foods limits her diet further, eliminating different oils and fats from their diet which would lead to the degrading of both collagen production and maintenance of cell membranes, possibly causing cell lysis due to not having cell reinforced w/ phospholipid bilayer
The multivitamin the patient may be taking will not contain all the essential nutrients that are derived from different foods, especially lipids and proteins (along with the 8 necessary amino acids needed for protein production) which causes her malnutrition to worsen since she continues w/ the unhealthy diet
Yellow Skin & Eyes
Jaundice; mainly caused by the liver being unable to process bilirubin properly, causing it to leak to surrounding tissues
B12 deficiency can cause jaundice and megaloblastic anemia which would cause the enlargement/ abnormal shaping of RBC
Severe protein deficiency can cause kwashiorkor which is characterized by edema and a large liver w/ fatty deposits
Liver enzyme lvls can be exacerbated by malnutrition which would lead to damage or cirrhosis of liver, causing inability to filter blood properly
Loss of Hair
Vitamin C deficiency can cause the inability to produce collagen at normal rate nor can it produce protective oils for the hair to not become brittle
Without proper protein intake, keratin (a hair protein) is unable to be crafted and therefore causes weak, more brittle hair that will fall out easier
Loss of Weight
weight loss is attributed to the lack of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the diet
Conversely, without proper carbohydrates, the body needs an alternative source of energy, so it will begin breaking down the body's fat storages, then muscle storages to be able to sustain the cellular demand for energy to keep the body alive
Due to both glycogen, protein, and lipid stores being depleted and used for energy, the patient will lose a decent amount of weight
Body will soon resort to attacking the body's organs for a source of energy which can lead to different types of organ failure depending on the target
Loss of Menstrual Cycle
Due to the body not getting adequate nutrition, it goes into a state of panic since it is attempting to go to alternate sources of energy
Amenorrhea occurs due to the lack of nutrition which directly causes the body to stop producing estrogen
Not Consuming meat, gluten, dairy products, processed, cooked, or uncooked foods
Not eating meat
Loss of muscle tone due to the body breaking down skeletal muscles for energy to preserve normal functions
B12 Deficiency: irreversible damage to nervous system including muscle weakness, dementia, depression, memory loss, and diff. walking
Only drinking raw water
Untreated/ Raw Water can contain microorganisms that can cause opportunistic infect. in a malnourished individual