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the similarities and differences in the processes of state formation from…
the similarities and differences in the processes of state formation from c. 1200 to c. 1450.
East Asia
collapse of Han dynasty
political fragmentation
rise of local aristocratic family
Chinese migration towards south
accompanied by intensive agriculture
Sui Dynasty
Brought unity to china after the collapse
solidified by a vast extension of country's canal system
Tang and Song Dynasty
state structure
6 major ministries
personnel,finace,rites,army,justice,and public work,
accompanied by censorate
surveillance over the rest of the government
examination system
challenged the position of the aristocratic family's hold on public office
population growth
due to remarkable achievements in agricultural production
Ex:fast-ripening and drought-resistant strain of rice from Vietnam
foreign interaction
nomadic pastoral
lived in areas unable to sustain Chinese-style farming
economy focused on rising livestocks and mastering horse riding
relied on Chinese grain and other agricultural products. therefore developed a taste for chines manufactured and luxurious goods.
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china thought of itself as the Middle Kingdom
giving the notion that they are superior to the nomadic pastoralist whom they thought were "barbarians"
China believed it's society to be self-sufficient contrast their thoughts on the nomads as they though they heavily relied on the Chinese wealth
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Impacted neighbors
incursion of northern nomads
learned Chinese, dressed like Chinese, and governed in a Chinese way
China's golden age
setting standards of excellence in poetry, landscape painting and ceramics
Song Dynasty
explosion of scholarship gave rise to Neo-confucianism
revive confucian thinking by incorporating Taoism and Buddhism
had greater freedom than classical Times
but by Song Dynasty tightening of patrarchal restrictions on women had occurred with the revival of confucianism
foot binding
buddism enter china through trade
extremely different than Chinese culture
Collapse of the Han
created question in Confucianism
buddhism became popular as it was comforting as monasteries increased social arrays
new form of buddismi occurred to become more Chinese
gained support from Sui and early Tang Dynasty
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canal system
united the northern and southern china economically
responsible for supplying the cities with food
helped with increasing travel to china due to the cities full of unique things
cheap transportation system
created "world's most populous trading area"
allowed peasants to grow specialized crops for sale
industrial production soared
iron industry increased its output dramatically
technological innovation
inventions in printing, both woodblock and movable type, generated the world's first printed books
books used for religious, agricultural and mathematical, and medical topics
navigational and shipbuilding technologies
Chinese invention of gunpowder
revolution in military affairs
growing use of paper money
contributed commercialization of Chinese society
geologically separated
voluntarily borrowed from Chinese culture unlike Korea or Vietnam
Japanese were selective in their borrowing
by the tenth century, deliberate efforts to absorb additional elements of Chinese culture diminished
Shotoku Taishi
launched a series of large-scale mission to China which took hundreds of Japanese monks, scholars,artists, and students to the mainland and when they returned they put into practice what they learned
seventeen article constitution
proclaimed that the Japanese ruler as a Chinese style emperor and encouraged Buddhism and confucianism
Japanese authorities adopted Chinese-style court rituals and a system of court rankings for officials as well as the Chinese calendar
establish Chinese-based taxation systems, law codes, government ministries, and provincial administration
buddhism took place in the country but never replaced the native belief and practice
sacred spirits associated with human ancestors
referred to as shinto
provided legitimacy to the imperial family
Japanese poetic form
escaped the oppressive features of the Chinese confucian culture
women able to inherit property, married couples lived apart, marriage made and broken easily
began to lose status in the twelfth century
due to the rise of the warrior culture
Japan never succeed in creating a centralized and bureaucratic state that matched china
emperor retained an important ceremonial and cultural role, their real political authority diminished
local authors developed their own military forces
samurai warrior class
developed a distinctive set of values
bushido- way of the warrior
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Vietnam and Korea
relationship with china
Chinese settlers provide an initial channel for Chinese cultural influence for example buddhism
referred to their ruler as wang( a Chinese term for king)
korean men were sent to china to study the Chinese form of government
Confucianism had changed social aspects of Koreans
later Korea had moved towards cultural independence through the development of hangul
silla kingdom
allied with the hand dynasty to set up puppet regimes and to assimilate Koreans
established tributary relationship with a independent Korea
tribute missions gave legitimacy to Korean rulers
adopted heavily from china
adopted confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, administration techniques, examination system, artistic and literary styles
Chinese replaced the local language in business
much remained independent
distinctive languages fondness of cockfighting, the habit of chewing betel nuts and a greater role for women
Chinese clothing and hairstyles became mandatory
adopted Chinese approach to government, styling their rulers a emperors , claiming the Mandate of Heaven and making use of Chinese court trials
achieved political independence but participated in the tribute system
Vietnamese elites brought into the bureaucracy and educated in confucian-based schools
formally ruled by Chinese officials who expects to assimilate the rich rice-growing region
introduce tin o irrigated agriculture
different regions
communities formed kin-based networks
families governed themselves, the male as the head
chief solved conflicted and dealt with neighboring groups
as population grew, it became hard to govern
competition among neighbors increased
trans-saharan trade
conditions were hard to trade in but the arrival of the islamic merchants increased trade
used camels and developed 15 types of camel saddles for different purpose
gold was the most precious commodity trade. foreign traders came for slave,iviry and in exchange the Africans got salt, textile, and horses
Indian Ocean trade
islamic merchants had rejuvenated maritime trade
created thriving city-states
known as Swahili city-states
brought wealth to the cities on the east african coast
some societies were matrilineal while others patriarchal
long time tradition
prisoners of war, debtors and criminals all becamee slaves
amount of slaves linked to status
music, visual arts, and storytelling important aspects
songs provided communication to the spirit world so they can worship ancestor
rulers sold gold and ivory to muslim traders in exchange for salt, copper,cloth and tools
centralized government aided by nobles and an army equipped with iron weapons
arose after the weakening of the Ghanaian state
government profited of the gold trade and taxed trade coming in West Africa
most resident were farmer
developed into centers of islamic life
loved by kingdom due to his story
cultivated a thriving tgold trade in Mali
prospered due to agriculture, grazing ready and gold.
had rich gold field
taxed gold trade
The Americas
large scale agriculture
artwork and manufactures
animists: believed in spirits
Matrilineal society
large towns that controlled smaller nearby village
rigid class structure
a chief(Great Sun) ruled each large town
ruled by warrior aristocracy
extracted tribute from conquered people
used geography for protection and defense
tribute system
insured dominance
conquered people forced to pay
local leaders still stayed in their positions
allowed for indirect administrative control
women wove the cloth that local ruler demanded for tribute
built chinampas
floating gardens to increase the amount of space for farming
lake water to irate their fields
worshipped deities(male/female)
human sacrifice
atonement for human sin
split into 4 province each with its own governor and buracracy
conquered people were subject to the Mita system
provided agricultural and other forms of labor
adapted to their ways. established school to teach conquered people the Quechua, Inca language.history and religion
royal ancestor cult
dead rulers were mummified
god of sun was the most important Incan god
based on agriculture
government engaged in long distance trade
system of knotted string
terrance system for cultivation of crops
carpa nan
Christianity provided a common ground for postclassical societies in western Eurasia
Byzantine Empire
continued roman imperial traditions
advantage over western empire
wealthier and more urban
stronger army, navy, and merchant marine
central player in the long-distance trade of Eurasia
its form of currency was used in the med basin
their luxuorous goods in high demand
defensible capital
political authority was highly centralized in Constantinople
emperor ruled as god's representative on earth
emperor was head of both the state and the church
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geographical location
access to the Black Sea
greek fire
used to hold off the Arabs
preserved Ancient Greek learning
transmitted classical heritage to islamic world
religious culture spread to slavic speakers
West Europe
tried to maintain links to the classical world
more rural than Byzantium
hybrid civilization: classical, germanic,celtic
latin christianity
centered on the pope
prohibited priests from having hair and marrying
the invasion had stopped
European loyalty focused on family, manor and religion
great lords may have been seen as kings but their authority was limited to their manor as they exercised power in a complex and decentralized network of feudal relationships
11-13 century, nominal monarchs gradually began to consolidate their authority
weather warmed
increase in agriculture
population boom
organization of villages
stimulated long-distance trade
trained professionals in groups ignorer to regulate their profession
active in a number of urban professions
ended by the 15th century as most women guilds were gone
men increasingly took over these profession
some women went towards nunnery and anchoress
1054, popes excommunicated each other
western crusaders had had conflict with local people in the byzantine empire
4ht crusade, crusaders looted Constantinople and ruled Byzantium for the next century
slavic people
Kievan Rus
emerged in the ninth century
stimulated through trade
losely led by princes
society of slaves and freemen,privilegged people and commoners
cultural diverse people
many different religions
until prince Vladimir of Kiev affiliated with orthodox Christianity
hoped to unify the diverse people of his region and link run into a wider network of communication and network
borrowed byzantine architectural style,alphabet,use of icon, monastic tradition stressing prayer and service, and political ideals
South and Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia
influenced by South Asia
Indian merchants introduced Indian good such as metal goods and textiles
introduced buddhism and hinduism
ramayana and Mahabharata epics
reinforced ideas of kingship
cnoducted business in Sanskrit
adopted the word for king, raja
Funan rulers profited though taxing a shortcut
many have tried to control Southeast Asia
Angkor kingdom was the most successful
kingdom's sophisticated irraigation and drainage system led to greater economic prosperity
royal monuments include Indian influence
Angkor Wat buddhist temple
introduced though trade
more stable then north
succeed in overcoming political regionalism and fragmentation
Chola Kingdom(850-1267)
extended rule to Ceylon
location allowed navy access to the waterways of Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal
access to international trade
development of sailing tech turned Indian Ocean into a hot spot
expansion of islam connected more cities
growing demand for specialized products
monsoon winds
merchants had to time their voyage
merchants had to interact with the surrounding culture
interracial marriage
hindu but some buddhist
Islam was introduced violently and peacefully
attracted lowercase as they believed in equality for believeres
corruption among monks and raids on monasteries caused Many buddhist to convert
caste system
provided stability
women in separate sphere
algebra and geometry
Himalayas protected however mountain passes allowed for muslim armies invasion
created instability and disruption
destroyed holy sites
conquered by Ghazi's successors
Delhi sultanate reigned for 300 years
unable to organize an efficient bureaucracy
made it difficult to impose their policies
Dar al-Islam
central region of the Arabian peninsula
inhabited by nomadic Arabs (bedouins)
lived fiercely independent clans and tribes
often engaged in war
recognized a variety of gods ,ancestors and nature spirits
valued personal bravery,grop loyalty and hospitality
Arab empire
after the death of Muhammad, Arab armies engaged the byzantine and Persian Sassanid empires
gave rise to an islamic/Arab empire that stretch from Spain to India
fragile unity of the umma threaten to come apart after Muhammad's death but the external expansion provided a common task for the community
viewed the mission of the empire in terms of jihad
bringing righteous government to the people they conquered
byzantine and persian empire weakened through decades of fighting with each other and internal conflict
underestimated the Arab
Sassanid empire was defeated during the 650s the Byzantium soon lost half of its territories
empire grew through continuing a long pattern of tribal raids into surrounding civilization
became organized in a state of their own with.a central command able to mobilize the military potnetionial o the entire Arab population
attacked Spanish,southern France, seized oases towns of Central Asia.
local elites and bureaucratic structures of conquered people were incorporated into the Arab empire
the caliph (king)
created conflict as people questioned who should be the caliph
believed the rightful caliphs were political and military leaders, selected by the islamic community
religious authority in general emerged from the larger community particularly from the ulama
believed that the leadership in the islamic world should derive from the line of Ali and how blood relatives
invested their imams(leaders) with a religious authority that the caliphs lacked, allowing them to infallibly interpret divine revelation and law
as empite grew, the caliph started becoming similar to a absolute monarch, complete with elaborate court rituals, complex buraurcracy
Umayyad family
caliph became hereditary rulers, capital moved to roman/byzantine city of Damascus
ruling class was arab military aristocracy
viewed as illegitimate by the Shia
abbasids(new dynasty)
new capital in Baghdad
persia became the new elite language in the islamic lands
persian art was praised
political unity did not last long as by the mid-ninth century, local governors or military commanders asserted autonomy of their regions
fractioned in to a series of sultanates
through the conquering of territories
merchant leaders of the islamic commented were able to capture profitable trade routes and wealthy agricultural regions
islamic world was an immense area for exchange good, tech and ideas
central location for trade
islamic teaching valued commerce
muslim merchants were prominent on all the major afro-eurasian trade routes
persian bureaucratic practice, court ritual,poerty,anicent greek, hellenistic and Indian text
after conquering a territory
they did not impose islam on individuals
recognized the status of shimmies(protected subjects which are people of the book)
impose jizya(religious tax)
many converted
so they could avoid the jizya, enjoy the secure trade of the Arab empire and it aided in social mobility
development of the sharia
body of islamic law veleoped by religious scholars
addressed every aspect of social and religious life
people who sought directiont and personal experience of the divine
seemed taming ego nd spiritual union with Allah
women had controlled over their own property, rights of inheritance, divorce.polygyny allowed but women couldn't take multiple men,
Umar the second caliph asked women to pray at home
women seclusion began
honor killings for violating sexual taboos
foreign interaction
turkic-speaking invaders borough islam to India
established regimes in India
first, violent destruction of religious temples
members of lower-caste found islam attractive
many converted to avoid tex
islam community concentrated in northwest and eastern India
turks invaded
major destruction
by 1500, 90 percent of the population were muslims thanks to the Sufi missionaries
freer life for women persisted
conquered most of Spain
islam did not overwhelm chrisanity
Christian mozarabs adopted arabic culture
West Africa
through trade peacefully
spread through urban centers
provided links to muslim trading partners
provide literate officials and religious legitimacy
many quranic schools and several centers of higher education. Arabic became a language of religion and education