Tutorial EDUP 3063 - Applying 3W1H (What, When, Why and How - tools), discuss the purpose and reporting of assessment data

Achievement report

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The benefits of achievement report:

to be used as a catalyst within the school’s professional learning
community to focus on individual student learning needs and interests;

to determine effective practices and strategies to foster higher levels of
student achievement and confidence;

to contribute to the data or evidence used to report student achievement
to parents/guardians,

to provide richer information at the system level and to inform effective practices to determine the impact of specific programs on student learning and to determine processes to further refine these programs.

Reference : Armstrong, D., Laird, A., & Mulgrew, A. (2008). Grade Level of Achievement Reporting: Teacher and Administrator Handbook. Revised. Alberta Education. 11th Floor Capital Boulevard, 10044-108 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6, Canada.

The successful implementation of the reporting is conducted by

giving recognition of the wide range of student performance within a classroom and the wide range of programming required to enable all students to be successful;

using a wide variety of assessment strategies aligned to the learner

collecting a body of evidence that demonstrates consistency for
purposes of making a judgment

giving the fair and equitable assessment of all students

providing a clear and transparent process for communicating to students, parents
and receiving teachers

What does it means to the students?

communication about student learning will be clearer

students will make more seamless transitions as they progress through their years of schooling.

A report that tracks the pupils' achievement in their learning through out their schooling years.

A prepared status report that details an overview of what was achieved in a specified period of time