biomes are split into 5 categories, generation of biomes between 1.7 and the current version differs somewhat from the biome categories described below. In general, land biomes generate in 3 different clusters. Cold, dry, and green biomes. Green biomes are often large, expansive, and continuous. Cold and dry biomes generate in slightly smaller clusters, but can still extend a thousand or more blocks. Cold biomes include only Snowy Tundra and Snowy Taiga. Dry biomes consist of Savannah, Plains, and Desert. Green biomes consist of Plains, Dark Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Taiga, Swamp and Mountains. Plains biomes are somewhat unusual in that they generate in both green and dry biome clusters.
Four land biomes are rarer, Mushroom Fields generate in Ocean biomes, Badlands in dry biomes, and Jungle and Giant Tree Taiga generate in green biomes. However, Giant Tree Taiga, Jungles, and Badlands tend to be very expansive due to the rarity, and as such their variants are even more rare. These three land biomes may occasionally generate standalone separate from their parent biome clusters. In addition, an "edge" biome surrounds these three biomes. Jungle Edges separate Jungles from most other land biomes aside from regular Forest or Taiga (if bordering a Swamp the Jungle edge extends up to 3 chunks), and Desert separates Badlands from the rest of the land biomes except with Modified Badlands. Taiga and its variants surround Giant Tree Taiga in all cases except for Snowy Taiga.