Amna Ali 12f

Travel and Tourism

Flow Chart

Follow the baggage claim passport stamp and take your pags , here you go .

check in and cut your boarding.

check your bags weight.

Get to your destination , don't race to get out just relax wait for your turn.

look for your gate number. and go through security

Traveling young

It forces you to become more independent.

Nothing big will hold you back.

Meet inspiring people.

Life is short.

working in the travel industry

summer holiday




top destination




design an advert

travel holiday

daily plan

date and destination


highlights - activites

somewhere to stay

adventure holiday

Go skiing on mountin


snow leopard trek

sky diving


white water rafting

scuba diving

cultural diversity


Eating habits around the world

Americans are better at math ability .

you must be from..

African Americans with greater athletic ability.


make a three page of expressions

learned about the old greek alphabet

body language

hand gestures

the actions are used to communicate important message and every country have their own hand movement.

facial expression

how we would change our facial expression emotions if people told us a god or bad thing.


traditional food

eating habits around the world

type of food

Indian people eat with hands.

china eat with choopsticks

Philippines eat with hands.


celebrate every year

India (holi festival) they get to throw colors on each other

spain ( la tomatina festival ) where the throw tomato and play with it

ice angel

when ( at night ) and where ( Finland)

ice , angel dress , activities

plan our own festival


date and time



activity highlight

Virtual reality

social media

essay about social media

disagree and agree paragraph

add conclusion

use introduction

reason for


click to edit

wrote your opinion

write steps on how to save files

computers parts

searched for the top 5 antivirus

kaspersky security cloud

computer world giants

trend micro maximum security

avast premier

ESET internet

norton security premium

what would be your ideal working environment and what of managment style do you think you would respond best to ?why?

would you prefer to work for organization with an innovative company culture or a more traditional one ?why?

if you could set up your own business , what would the company culture be like and why?

would you prefer to work for a multi national company with lots of employees and branches around the world or a smaller , local business ? why?

virtual reality

create a poster on way virtual reality will change the world or how will change the world.

illustratred area of work and benefits and disadvantages

identify theft

story poster about identify theft