6.5 Fish & Meat production

Fish Production

3 billion individuals depend on fish creation for protein



Centralization of amphibian species in a given sea zone or inland territory of water.

Fish farms/Aquaculture

bringing fish up in freshwater lakes, lakes, reservoirs,rice paddies, or submerged confines.

Environmental Damage


Taken from environments and consequently cause an unbalance in their previous biological system

Seafloor trawling destroys countless habitats


Many fish are contaminated with toxic heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins

Enormous CO2 creation: angling armadas utilize 12.5 units of vitality to deliver 1 unit of vitality as fish


A few animal categories produce a lot of waste that lead to eutrophication

Important habitats are destroyed to make fish farms

Cultivated fish can be pollute by pesticides intended to slaughter water bother or drained from ranch soils

Meat Production

Prompts an ascent in pay in creating nations

Human Health Risks

Hormones, Antibiotics, and anti-toxin obstruction



Higher yield

Happened due t green revolution= more feed / Antibiotics

Feedlots and Factory Farms




Animal foods becoming cheaper

Environmental Damage

A lot of CO2 discharged from apparatus/enormous vitality expenses and methane from dairy animals add to environmental change

Water Consumption (water system, taking care of domesticated animals) and Pollution (squander goes into conduits

Overgrazing wrecks the land

Requires land for farming and more so as to take care of the animals and giving them a spot to brush in

More Sustainable Food Production

Try not to have such a significant number of dairy cattle in one territory - keeps away from desertification since it implies less mud/dust-pits

Guarantee squander doesn't wind up in streams or lakes to evade eutrophication

Spread taking care of and watering zones out so they don't wind up as mud pits (otherwise known as soil disintegration)

Abstain from taking care of dairy cattle anti-infection agents and development hormones