Origin & Description
Movement control order
What's changed?
Impact on People's Mental Health
Learning/Working from home
Impacts on Economy
The Movement Control Order is a preventive measure taken by the governemnt towards the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic to prevent its spread and to locate the carrier. The incident is also commonly referred to as "lockdown".
Where is it from?
What is it?
COVID-19, or commonly known as the Novel-Coronavirus is a new strain of virus from the coronaviruses family that had not been previously identified in humans. This virus is firstly named SARS-CoV-2 by Chinese Authority and later on COVID-19. They are believed to be transmitted from animals to humans.
Virus Carriers
The Novel-Coronavirus originates from Wuhan, the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province.
Normal carrier of the disease experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
- All restaurants and outlets required to be closed except stores selling essential goods and supermarkets
- Restriction on foreign tourists entering the country
- Restriction on citizen flying out of the country
- All educational institutions to be closed
- Restriction on mass gatherings
Anxiety and uncertainty over the future
Fear of contracting the virus
Fear over more vulnerable family members
Significant decrease in social life
Lack of fresh air (going outside)
More self-care time
More family time
Taking a break from busy life
More time to yourself
Motivational/Productivity level at home
Lack of social/peer motivation energy
Staying in the same environment could get dull
There are no proper rules and regulation
Negatively affected Stakeholders in Malaysia
Global Recession (Industries as a whole)
How does the virus transmit?
Due to the movement control order, many individuals were forced to work/learn from home using online softwares such as zoom, google meet, etc.
Could go both way depending on different individuals, but most are more less because:
Being forced to stay at home limited many social interaction. This act is fully capable of affecting one's mental health
Worried upon financial difficulty and a sufficient amount of supply (food, water, etc)
Common Symptoms:
Other Symptoms
Dry coughing
Shortness of breath
Aches and pains
Diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
Avoid touching your face
Stay home if you feel unwell
Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people
Wear a mask outside
The virus is primarily spread through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes
Due to the pandemic outbreak, people were unable or less willing to spend. Lack of confidence is prominent and led to a decrease in the demand curve. This causes business' performances to fall inside the Production possibility frontier (Unproductive).
Furthermore, many business in severely affected countries that isn't selling essential goods are forced to close. Resulting in disruption in the supply and demand chain. Causing many big companies/suppliers to perform badly.
Consequently, this causes a huge drop in stock prices, and many people began to panic sale
At this time, banks and financiers also began to force their borrowers to sell their stocks, in which causes even more damage to the economy
With business performing badly, many were forced to layoff workers or ask them to take unpaid leaves, as they could no afford their salary
Many people, especially people paying from paycheck to paycheck will have difficulty surviving and more reluctant to spend
More business will then perform badly, causing even more layoff and damage to the well-being of the economy
Consumer Behavior
How consumer are behaving
How consumer should behave
Panic buying and stocking up essential supplies such as:
Critical Awareness: Consumer should be more aware and alert of the consequences their action might lead to.
Action: Consumer should avoid panic buying and maintain order, staying at home to slow down the pandemic spread
Toilet Paper
Masks, hand sanitizer
Social Action: People needs to be more socially responsible, in the way of staying at home to prevent the spreading + Avoid stocking up essential supplies as other needs them too
Consumer: Jobs could be lost/affected due to businesses being unproductive. Therefore having less spending power and causing a Decrease in the demand curve or Demand Shock
Supplier: A decrease in demand affected supplier's productivity. Many local factories were also unable to operate due to the control movement order. This causes supply shock
Banks and financiers: Banks such as Maybank. As consumer/customer began to perform panic withdrawal, stock selling, etc
Local community: Short-term shortage in essential supplies.
Non-essential stores: Stores such as hair salon, restaurant and clothing store are unable to operate/less customer will be coming. Solely relying on take-away, delivery and online purchasing without the presence of physical store can decrease in the company's total revenue.
Airline Company: Company such as Airasia and Malaysia Airlines. As people are not allowed/scared to travel, as travelling increases the chance of being expose and spreading the virus.
Tourism & Entertainment: Local tourism and entertainment such as cinema and theme park. As people are not allowed/less willing to travel in fear of the virus
Made by: Tey Yi Yuan (ian)
Statistic (Updated 25/3/2020)
Confirmed cases
Confirmed deaths
196 Countries, areas or territories with cases