SCIENCE: Show and Tell: Simple Machines

A simple machine is a machine that has one or no moving part

But it makes work easier


Shape of a wedge

Comes to a point

The special shape of a wedge make it so that a wedge can cut things apart

Some things that we use everyday that has the shape like a wedge

Your front teeth

A shovel

Inclined plane

Looks like a slippery slide

We can use it to carry heavy things onto a truck


Use to hold things together

There are many places that we use screw


Is very important

There are many different kinds of lever

A lever always has a rod or bar

We can use lever on many things

Using as the handle of a hammer or a shovel

If we put 2 levers together, we can have a nut cracker or a scissors

Wheel and axle

We can use it as a skate board, roller skate...

Has four wheels attached to axles

There are many kinds of wheel and axles

You can do so much work with this machine

You can put something heavy on to move it easier

It will help you to use less force to move the thing


Pulley uses wheels

Pulley are use to pull things

Pulley can pull things up, down or sometimes pull things side

Pulley will have a string around the wheel

If we have more pulleys, it will make the work easier

We use pulley in many places