Ariel: Even though there are more stay-at-home dads than ever before and more men are co-parenting as opposed to the traditional stereotype that the man is the breadwinner of the family, women are more often expected to secure childcare. In today's society, women do more than ever before. They not only want and/or have to work because it is very difficult to live with a single household income, but they are also expected to pull more of the workload when it comes to household duties. Yes, the men do things like maintenance, mowing the lawn, and taking out the trash, but that is nothing compared to doing the laundry, grocery shopping, scheduling and taking the kids to doctor visits/swim lessons/soccer practice..etc, cooking, cleaning, preparing the kids for bedtime, all while trying to keep the kids stimulated in a learning environment, on top of any other thing forgotten. I know this is not the case in many households, but I also know that it is more common than the latter. All of that being said, women who may have lost their jobs or have to work from home are now expected to secure alternative childcare as their daycare has closed down due to Covid. So what option is there aside from attempting to watch your kids at home while working simultaneously. This is still a struggle many women have that is purely due to sexism. Otherwise, there would be no double standard that the woman should have to make the sacrifice in her career because the man makes more money (which is also largely due to sexism) or whatever else the case may be.