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Water purification station
Rain water shower
Local food trucks/restaurants
Waste management
Sustainable drugs lab (in order to avoid drugs waste and drugs dealing)
Local beer brewery where festival guests can ome and work/volunteer through the year
International artists projected on screen instead of physically present
Build your tent yourself (from natural resources)
Do not pay with money but with working hours or something like that
Bestaande sustainable festivals
At Burning Man, the community explores various forms of artistic self-expression, which are created to be enjoyed by all participants. An anonymous attendee once elaborated that "Burning Man is about 'why not' overwhelming 'why'"
Burning Man is an event held annually since 1986 in the western United States at Black Rock City, a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert of northwest Nevada,
Burning Man is organized by the Burning Man Project, a non-profit organization that, in 2014, succeeded a for-profit limited liability company (Black Rock City LLC) that was formed in 1999 to represent the event's organizers, and is now considered a subsidiary of the non-profit organization.
The organization provides the essential infrastructure of Black Rock City, and works year-round to bring Burning Man culture to the world and to support its global participant community in manifesting its Ten Principles through six interconnected and aspirational program areas: Arts, Civic Involvement, Culture, Education, Philosophical Center, and Social Enterprise.
Burning Man is not a festival! It’s a city wherein almost everything that happens is created entirely by its citizens, who are active participants in the experience.
Terraforma innovates the concept of musical experience by emphasizing the relationship between event and impact, incubating moods and forms of sensibility durable in time. We want to breed a new concept of listening, to encompass everything that music expresses and reveals; let it be inside, around or outside us, our society and the world.
Terraforming is the theoretical process in which life on a planet becomes possible through the creation of an atmosphere. Terraforma is the manifest of our belief that new dimensions can now be terraformed. A three days festival where music is the catalyst: a timeless centre of gravity for energies, with a breaking point from which sounds and images create a sense of suspension capable of pointing us towards new perceptions.
Terraforma takes place in the woods of Villa Arconati just outside Milan and involves artists who experiment new ways to reduce the distance between art and life. Music and its listening take man back to his natural frequencies where sense of rhythm is once again bound with the environment. Terraforma is organized according to sustainable practices, integrating aspects from production to consumption of resources
An organic structure where the musical aspect is integrated with installations crafted by artists and artisans, and where gatherings and workshops will provide opportunities for meditation, actively involving the public. The interlace of musical, artistic and environmental dimensions will form an atmosphere capable of stimulating the listener’s sensibility to think about the present and the future in a new way, a cultural innovation sprouting from respect of the other and of the environment.
Held in the North Byron Parklands every year in July, Splendour in the Grass is one of the most sustainable festivals out there. ... Bags to compost and separate rubbish are also handed out, with someone winning a handful of passes to attend the next Splendour through the initiative
Held in the North Byron Parklands every year in July, Splendour in the Grass is one of the most sustainable festivals out there. This starts right from ticket purchase, where there is an option to buy a Carbon-offset ticket for an extra $3. This money then goes to Australian renewable energy projects. The eco fun continues upon arrival with patrons being awarded for carpooling. Bags to compost and separate rubbish are also handed out, with someone winning a handful of passes to attend the next Splendour through the initiative.
During the festival, there are refill stations everywhere, and if you need to buy a bottle, there are cartons of Carton & Co Water everywhere. Food is packaged in recyclable packaging, and vendors are eco-friendly (think Rolla Bottle and TOM Organic). Even grabbing a drink at one of the many bars is a feel-good affair, with reusable cups that offer a $2 rebate when handed in.
Showers and toilets are also transformed, with 246 dry-composting toilets being the majority of what is used at the site. Waste is composted and used to help grow trees in the parklands. And showers are gas-fired, low-flow and connected to water tanks of course! Sewerage and greywater are also treated on site.
These festivals in (Queensland and New South Wales respectively) both take on a variety of initiatives. They treat sewerage and greywater on-site, and also use renewable fuels. Much like Splendour, they have recycling and composting initiatives that include eliminating the use of products not suitable for these. They also aim to encourage and facilitate the use of locally sourced organic foods which assists in reducing the carbon footprint of food provision. Public transport is provided and encouraged, and environmentally themed topics are included in these festivals’ talks and programs. Woodford and Peats Ridge use festival resources for habitat restoration to enhance the ecology of these sites.
This is another festival you can feel good about attending, with composting toilets being used here too. They claim it saves roughly two and a half million litres of water each year! The showers and drinking water facilities here are the same as at Splendour in the Grass. They also try to get festival-goers to get involved in green initiatives to keep the area clean, having planted 7,000 trees at the site by staff and patrons thus far.
Food that has been untouched and is still fresh is donated to Byron’s Liberation Larder to help feed people in need. The festival also teams up with BYO Bottle to cut unnecessary plastic water bottles that harm our environment. It is also encouraged to bring refillable bottles for the event. There are refill stations and water at all bars. They team up with local organisations to bring a positive change to their communities and even have a sustainability page for more information.
This festival is held on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) every year in the last weekend of October. They have recently introduced the Righteous Reusables initiative, which aims to eliminate disposable cups and plates and the emissions created concerning that. They have composted plates and cups from previous years which have allowed them to provide around 3,000 second-hand items for patrons to use.
Another initiative they have had for a while is Cycle Vibes. Island Vibe provides Borrow Bikes for patrons, including one at the campground for easy travel to and from the festival grounds – all for a $5 wristband. They’ve also made camping as sustainable as possible. They provide a service where patrons can borrow hand and power tools, camping and sports gear through the Brisbane Tool Library.
Mobile solar power station and solar lighting of the grounds (19 lamps)
40% of electricity from the fixed network thanks to the use of temporary transformer stations
0.22 l of fuel per participant / day = 38% of average consumption at festivals in Europe
Brand prism
SWOT analysis
Value proposition
Interactive experience model (extended)
Why are you there?
What previous experience do you have?
What goals and expectations d you have?
What is the purpose of the service for you?
Who is with you?
Who is serving you?
Who else is there?
What are the rules and norms for interaction?
Objects, layout, appearance, house/brand style, signage, routing, ambient conditions, interior design,
Determines rules and norms for interaction
Trend #1: More payment methods mean more spending
Does your ticketing system allow for multiple ways to check in? Attendees are getting more and more savvy about their ticketing choices. We’ve already seen this trend booming for music events. Half of music festival attendees prefer RFID wristbands that grant them rapid entry so they can skip long lines. RFID can also offer other perks that paper currency cannot
Trend #2: Instagram is amplifying word of mouth
For superfans, casual festival-goers, and even first-time attendees, sharing what they’re doing on social media is a key way to communicate with friends. And friends are important: 83% of people say they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations of friends and family. In fact, Eventbrite has found that 20% of traffic to events on our platform comes from social media.
Trend #3: Your attendees are hungry for more
In a recent Eventbrite survey of more than 5,000 festival-goers, 80% of millennials had attended three or more food, wine, or beer events in the past year. Millennials drink more alcohol than any other generation before them. And more than half of them consider themselves “foodies.”
The more food and drink options your attendees have, the happier they’ll be. But there’s a more strategic reason to offer food at your festival: 84% of food festival-goers are likely to post pictures of food while at an event. That’s priceless social media marketing.
Trend #4: Location awareness is making even large events feel personal
Location awareness technology will drive close to $44 billion in sales in the retail industry this year.11 Event organizers are quickly realizing how relevant it is to their industry as well. Location awareness technology can help you pinpoint beyond the most popular stages, exhibits, booths, and sponsors at your festival.
Trend #5: Attendees are craving personalised, unique experiences
The festival market is saturated, and competition is fierce, but audience demand
for unique live experiences is still very high. When we polled music festival-goers who also frequent other types of festivals, 55% cited “uniqueness” as a major draw to attend an event.
Trend #6: Year-round connection is increasingly important
According to Kimberly Moening, attendees expect personalization and VIP treatment. “And that doesn’t end when the event is over,” she says. “Companies are finally starting to realize the importance of staying connected beyond the [event].”
Stay connected to attendees even during the offseason (if you have one). This builds on the momentum you created at the event and gets them excited for next year.
Trend #7: Virtual reality is getting augmented
Virtual reality creates an immersive, fantastical experience for a user in a static environment. Augmented reality takes the concept a step further and overlays the user’s actual reality with virtual images. The recent surge in popularity of Pokémon GO is just one example of how popular augmented reality is becoming
Trend #8: Livestreams can help you grow your festival
From Coachella to Dreamforce, livestreaming is taking the events industry by storm. And for good reason: 30% of people who watch a livestreamed video will attend that same event the following year. Live video isn’t just a cool feature for festival fans— it’s an investment in your business.
2020 wordt in de evenementenbranche gezien als het startschot van een nieuw tijdperk. Een tijdperk dat draait om één ding: de optimale beleving van bezoekers. Minder focus op details, meer op wat je wil bereiken met het evenement. Eventteams gaan terug naar tekentafel om na te denken over waar het evenement écht om gaat: hoe realiseer je een evenement dat past bij stakeholders en gedragsverandering realiseert? Ontwerpmethodes als Design Thinking for Events en Experience Strategie winnen terrein en helpen van events ervaringen te maken.
Storytelling betekent het vertellen van een verhaal. Dat doe je niet alleen tijdens je evenement, maar juist ook ervoor en erna. Sleep je gasten van begin tot eind mee in een andere wereld om een platform te laten ontstaan rondom het live-moment. Zo koppel je beleving aan je merk, bedrijf of community en trek je de schaarse aandacht van bezoekers. In de onderstaande video zie je hoe wij ons personeel tijdens het jaarlijkse bedrijfsfeest meenamen in de wereld van over de top Amerika.
Wil je impact maken op bezoekers? Daar is meer voor nodig dan enkel het zenden van informatie, dat besef heerst gelukkig al langer. Dit jaar gaat de evenementenbranche next level en verplaatst de spotlight van het podium naar het publiek. Opkomende eventtypes als Unconference leren ons dat je maximale gedragsverandering pas bereikt als bezoekers zelf de inhoud kunnen bepalen en contacten kunnen leggen. Eventbranche betoogt zelfs dat we niet meer mogen spreken van gasten of bezoekers, maar van co-creators. Als organisatie stel je kaders, maar gasten vullen dit verder in.
Het succes van Walibi Fright Nights zegt genoeg: we gaan veramerikaniseren. Amerikaanse tradities komen steeds meer terug op evenementen. Is het geen halloween, dan is het wel een VIP-ontvangst of Hollywood-loper. Alles moet bigger, better en bolder. En laat dat nou net de inspiratiebron zijn geweest voor ons jaarlijkse winterfeest. Meer lezen over dit concept?
De bezoeker staat in de spotlight. Niet alleen als het gaat om inhoud, maar ook op het gebied van welzijn. Een gezonde en energieke bezoeker is namelijk meer engaged. Het draait hierbij niet alleen om het verzorgen van concrete zaken als energierijke catering, maar ook om emotionele intelligentie. Bezoekers hoeven niet van sessie naar sessie te rennen. Creëer bijvoorbeeld rustige ruimtes waar zij met elkaar kunnen napraten en tot rust kunnen komen. Ook sprekers als Wouter de Jong, schrijver van het boek Mindgym: sportschool voor je geest zijn een graag geziene gast op evenementen. Kennis van het vak is niet meer het enige onderwerp. Sessies over de psyche wekken veel interesse en zijn toepasbaar in meerdere branches.
In een enquête van Event Manager Blog zegt 52 procent van de eventorganisatoren te willen investeren in betere techniek om data-driven keuzes te kunnen maken. Er bestaat een scala aan methodes en tools die gebruikt kunnen worden om gedrag van bezoekers te meten. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld worden gedaan met de methode geofancing. Dit is het digitaal afbakenen van een gebied waardoor je gericht onderzoek kan doen naar het gedrag van bezoekers.
Different payment methods, not just money
3D dimensional artists (projected on screen) > If they are not from the Netherlands, otherwise they will travel to the festival as sustainable as possible
Keep in touch with target market next to the Festival date, organise workshops and projects to become more sustainable
Conscious consumerism
Consumers use purchase power to go green
What is concept/brand promise/value proposition? (based on persona0
When and where do interactions take place? (touch points in customer journey)
Shape the individual touch points in line with the concept (sub solutions for individual touchpoints)
Morphological chart (all sub solutions in one overview)
Volgens mij hadden Juliette enzo deze geprobeerd maar was het niet handig/nodig > even kijken in room for error op teams
Design alternatives (combining the different sub solutions into overall design alternatives)
Choose your design alternatives
Create the service blue print