60 year old woman with heart attack


Anatomy of the heart

Right Atrium

Pulmonary veins

Pulmonary arteries

Pulmonary trunk

Right ventricle

Left atrium

Left ventricle

Ascending aorta

Superior vena cava

Inferior vena cava

Brachiocephalic trunk

Left common carotid artery

Aortic arch

Subclavian artery

Ligamentum arteriosum

Auricle of left atrium

Circumflex artery

Coronary artery

Great cardiac vein


Blood flow through the heart

1 Blood goes through Superior and inferior vena cava into coronary sinus

2 Goes into right atrium

3 Travels through tricuspid valve to get to right ventricle

4 Travels through pulmonary semilunar valve into the pulmonary trunk

5 Blood is carried to lungs to be oxiginated

6 Oxygen rich blood returns to heart through pulmonary veins

7 Blood goes from the four pulmonary veins into left atrium

8 From the left atrium into the left ventricle through the mitral valve

9 From the left ventricle to the aorta through the aortic semilunar valve

10 lastly oxygen rich blood is delivered to the body

Role of valves and papillary muscles


Papillary muscles

Located on each end of the 2 ventricles

prevent the backward flow of blood

Located in the ventricles of the heart

Act as one way inlets of blood on one side of the ventricle

Also act as one ways outlets of blood on other side of ventricle

Pull on the chordae tendineae

Help to open up cusps when the ventricles are relaxing and filling with blood

Heart sounds



Known as "Lub"

Known as "Dub"


Caused by closure of mitral and tricuspid valves at start of systole

Caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves

Marks end of systole

Relationship between heart function and blood pressure

Heart pushing blood through your arteries

Blood pressure goes up

As heart relaxes

Blood pressure goes down

Relationship between heart function and respiratory rate

Work together to make sure the body has oxygen rich blood to function properly


Heart rate

Stoke volume

Cardiac output

Mean arterial pressure



Peripheral resistance

Number of times a persons heart beats per minute

Amount of blood pumped by left ventricle of heart in one contraction

Average arterial pressure throughout one cardiac cycle, systole, and diastole

Pressure heart must work against to eject blood during systole

Amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in a minute

Amount of ventricular stretch at the end of diastole

The resistance of arteries to blood flow

Possible causes of heart attack

Old age

Didn't watch what she ate

Being obese


Failed mitral valve

Can allow some blood to flow backward in the left atrium

Can block blood flow into the left ventricle

Left ventricle gets bigger and weaker if untreated

Effects on the body



Shortness of breathe

More tired than usual

Swelling in legs, feet ankle or belly

Low blood pressure



Less oxygen will travel to organs

Can have metabolic acidosis for high breathing rate

Waste products are not adequately removed

Brain will malfucnion


Can lead to heart disease

Can lead to heart rhythm problems


Less oxygen is getting to the brain