M&W Changes
Greater Online Presence
Testaments from Inductees' friends
Option to join next year
Montage video
Mail out certificates, padfolios, etc.
Send out letters to Inductees
Inductees send in images to include
Any Ideas???
Programs Side
GOAL: Keep fellows involved!!!
How is the board going to continue forward?
Keep them motivated?
How can they grow?
Keeping Fellows
Zoom Chat Rooms?
Fellows craving social interaction
Things for Progs to do:
Netflix parties?
For Board
Things that bring humor, levity to help build team
Families guidelines?
How can we bring people together with this circumstance?
Keep working on that families system
Providing social engagement
Very much needed
Have you gotten those videos?
If no: is it worth it to just ignore, or should we have them record it themselves?
Ideas for alternatives (present the current ideas)?
Branding Guide feedback
What did Andrea say?
Increasing online presence?
Current goal: keeping fellows involved in M&W
What can we do to turn this misfortune into something great?
What can Shicoyia do at this time???
Planning next semester's retreat
Recruitment for next semester
Recruitment Video ideas
Establishing connections with orgs
Drafting emails now
What if we collab'd with other orgs for ideas on how to maintain engagement?
Pros: Establish organizational connection
Cons: We're a program; blurs the line
Vague af
Virtual Presentation
Creating videos?
Ads in the Batt, Assn.
Inductee Highlight
insta takeover
Present their LEPs
Completely virtual Induction?
Pre-recorded presentations to post
"Letters of Rec"
Contact parents, who then provide other contacts to get personal message
Social Media
VSA Highlights?
8-person bursts; Assigned times
Social Media
Highlighting fellows
1 x day minimum
Story that doubles as a poll
I.e: "What do you love about being a leader online?"
Post their responses with their permission
Are our fellows exhibiting that leadership online?
Serving the community, etc.
Take inventory of yard signs, equipment, etc.
See about getting into organizations' schedules
List of orgs to advertise to?
Establish budget
Reach out to departments
Voice-over for FAQs,
other powerpoints
Establish an online collection of these sorts of things to make them more accessible to fellows
Too much content
Too long
Rough setup (Koldy isn't the best for this)
Alt Options for retreat site
MSC Rooms
Student Disability Services Building
Handout for fellows
Space for notes
Advocating for Others
Leading Other Generations
Strengths Theory
Strengths Finder
Constraints Theory as a supplement?