Birthday Dinner Party (cooked by myself)


Sparkling Cider

Cesar Salad

French Bread

Birthday Cake




Cake mix





Bought from local store

Made by individual in a factory

Bought from local store

Assembled in a factory

Lettuce grown by farmer

Dressing made by individual in factory

Bought from local store

Bottled in a factory

Bought from local store

Apples grown by farmers

Packaged in factory

Trees cut down by an individual

Bought from store

Made by individual in a factory

Materials gathered by an individual (stone, glass, metal)





Oven and Range

Bought from store

Made in factory

Materials gathered by individual

Bought from store

cooked in factory

ingredients grown by a farmer

Bought from store

assembled in factory

Wheat grown by farmer

Bought from store

assembled and cultured in a factory

Milk harvested by an individual on a farm

Bought from local grocery store

Baked in store bakery

Wheat grown on a farm by individual

Bought at grocery store

eggs collected by individual at a farm

Bought at the grocery store

assembled at a factory

ingredients harvested by a farmer

bought at the grocery store

canned in a factory

sugar grown and harvested at a farm

bought at grocery store

pressed and bottled in a factory

olives picked by an individual at a farm

from faucet

paid for by myself

from water filtering reservoir owned by an individulal

Water flows from oceans and streams

I am the one making the dish

I act in service to my friends so that they can eat a meal for dinner

I went to the store to gather supplies

I worked to make the money to buy supplies

I pay the electricity bills so that I can make the food

I pay for my apartment rent so that I have a space to host the party

electricity provided by a power company

electricity generated in a facility

God uses me to be a witness for Him and spread His love to all of the people that are at my dinner party

God created me