BSHS Tuckshop App

Client Problem


User Problem



User A-Amy

Junior student

Waits too long in tuckshop line

Vegetarian and is annoyed when vegetarian options run out

User B-Gus

Senior student

Wants to be able to view his wallet balance

Has an allergy (peanut)

User C- Mr T

Bored with the same lunch

Likes to browse various lunch options but has trouble deciding

Needs an app where she can pre-order food and skip the line

Relatively new to the school and wants to be updated and notified on the food the tuckshop has to offer

The app will allow Amy to pre-order food and also include a function that tells her how many vegetarian options remain so that she doesn't miss out

Features and Usability

Order meals in advance

provide a unique order number

Select the correct tuckshop campus for collection

customise how the menu is displayed

access menu that is organised in logical fashion

access profile using staff or student ID


dietary requirements

remaining wallet balance

order history

order randomly selected meal based on algorithm provided

The user/s must have a device running on iOS because the app is made for iOS devices ONLY.

School requires use of iPads

user therefore already has access to an iOS device and can then access the app

Must be a BSHS student or teacher only




Mobile app-iOS


8-12 weeks

meal ordering app

for school (BSHS)




Does not provide info on food

Does not indicate how many meals are remaining

Not an iOS app

Time consuming to keep opening up a website

There are no current apps for ordering lunch at BSHS

Filling a gap in the market




Save time lining up

Spend more time with peers

Keep up to date with the latest app for in-school use

Keep tabs on how much the user is spending as they will be able to view their wallet balance

in-app purchases of lunch

Meets demands of user as it will cater for a variety of students and teachers

Save time lining up

More time for user


Upload menu data to app from .csv file

Upload profile data to app from .csv file

Create tuckshop database

12 menu items

5 school profiles

order history



Random meal deal based on set price brackets

read records from menu.csv and student.csv and store them in a database table

contain main meal, drink and snack

database is required to be imported into Xcode project

validate user inputs and provide feedback

must follow the government and BSHS guidelines in order to effectively satisfy the client

logo of school must be clearly seen on all screens

User account (wallet) balance