English Home Language
English Outcomes
Making comparisons
Use degrees of comparisons, synonyms and antonyms to make comparisons of different structures. Use different types of verbs, Regular and irregular verbs, Transitive and intransitive verbs.
Speech presentation -
What is a speech? Structure of oral presentations. Identify a variety of purposes for speaking e.g., to inform a wider school audience. Speak appropriately to a given audience. Communicate in a clear, coherent and logical manner Vary vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch, volume, and a range of sound effects Use non-verbal cues, including facial expression, gestures, and eye contact. Use visual aids.
What is poetry?
Poets and their times
Poets and their times. The elements of poetry and its purpose. Poetry analysis and relevance to their lives.
How can we use critical literature to solve problems in our current lives
EG1, EG6, EG 28.4, WW1 – WW5 RM5, RM6, RM7, RM8 LS1 -LS9 RMC1 RV1 – RV4 RF1 – RF4, CL2, CL3. CL7, CL8, CL12, CL, 13,CL14, CL15,