GCSE Biology

Section 1 - The nature and variety of organisms

Section 3 - Plant nutrition and transport

Section 4 - Respiration and Gas exchange

Section 2 - Human nutrition

Section 5 - Blood and organs

Section 7 - Reproduction and inheritance

Section 8 - Ecology and the environment

Section 6 - coordination and response

Section 9 - Use of biological resources


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Investigating enzyme activity

Protoctists, bacteria and viruses


Plants, Animals and fungi


Specialized cells and stem cells

Diffusion and osmosis experiments

Levels of Organisation

Active transport

Characteristics of living organisms

Every living organisms share the same eight characteristics

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They respond to their surroundings


They move

They excrete their waste

They can control their internal conditions

They respire

They reproduce

They need nutrition

They grow and evelop

Living organisms need nutrients to provide them with energy ant the raw materials for growth and repair. Nutrients include things like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Organisms release energy from their food - respiration

Waste products such as carbon dioxide and urine are removed from the body - This removal is called excretion .

Organisms that are alive can react to change in their environment/surroundings

Organisms move toward things like water and food, and away from things that threaten them ( some plants can move a bit )

they can control temperature and water content

Organisms have to produce offspring in order for the species to survive

The organism must grow and develop into their adult form

Living organisms are made up of cells - these are like tiny building blocks. Some organisms are multi cellular - they contain lots of cells, which need some form of organisation. Some organisations consists of a single cell.

Cells contain organelles

  1. Organelles are tiny structures within cells. You can only see them using a powerful microscope.
  1. Here are some of the organelles found in a typical animal cell :
  1. Cells can be Eukaryotic or prokaryotic

Eukaryotic cells are complex, and include all animal and plant cells

Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler

Cell membrane





An organelles which contains the genetic material that controls the cells activities. It is surrounded by its own membrane.

This membrane forms the outer surface of the cell and controls the substances that go in and out.

A gel-like substance where most of the cells chemical reactions happen. It contains enzymes which control these reactions

Small organelles where most of the reactions for aerobic respiration take place. Respiration transfers energy that the cell needs to work

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