Myths and Legends notes: Mermaids

The name developed from Mer, which means sea in French, and Maid, which is another name for a young woman

It says Mermaids have long shimmery hair and colourful tails. But I've seen a show where they just have boring orange tails

Mermaids have power to see the future

The most basic mermaid power is : their control over the sea. She plays her harp to calm the water but she can create giant waves if she's angry

Some Mermaids use their power for good, but others use their powers to bring death or bad luck to humans

If a Mermaid kisses a human, that person can then breathe underwater

Mermaids brush their hair to strengthen their powers

They practice Telekinesis, and some of them can become invisible

Most can swim incredibly fast

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Some can grant wishes, and make their human friends rich

A greek writer, called Homer wrote a book, introducing the idea of Sirens

Sirens are half woman and half bird, and they are very dangerous

In Homers book: The Sirens live on an island, they sit, combing their hair and singing. Their singing tricks humans into thinking they're pretty. Passing sailors are so enchanted that they sail into the island and crash into the rocks

In Greek mythology: Naiads are freshwater Nymphs they live in Rivers, Springs, Fountains and Streams

Nereids are sea nymphs. Ancient images depict Nereids with two legs. They look like humans but they live under the sea

As kind and generous goddesses, the Nereids are friendly with sea creatures, and ride on the back of dolphins. They also protect sailors and fishermen, and rescue those in trouble.

In Greek myths, the god Nereus lives in the Aegean sea. He and his wife Doris have 50 daughters, all Nereids. Each daughter represents an element of the sea. Such as foam, waves, and salt

One of Nereus' daughters, Thetis, becomes the mother of the hero Achilles.

Another one of his daughters, Amphitrite, marries Poseidon, the god of the sea. Their child, Triton, becomes a herald for his father. Triton also becomes the father and king of all mermaids.

On the shore, people built shrines to thank the Nereids