Respect Individual Differences
Time Management
Role Designation/Diversity
Listening Skills
Plan Contingencies
Confidence Building
Honesty Over Excuses
Be Wary of Personal Weaknesses
Enjoy the challenge of teamwork.
Have Fun!
Build Relationships
Set Goals
Constructive Feedback
Search for compatible team members early to help create an effective team.
Consult with team early to agree on preferred methods of effective communication.
Leave the camera on when using Zoom, get to know your team members. Blank icons can lead to blank relationships.
Friends can be made.
Compatible group members make for repeat group assignment team members.
Be a good listener, consider the opinion of others.
Do not take over and dominate group meetings.
Get organised early and maintain organisation for best results.
Time management is of utmost importance.
Establish collective team goals as early as possible.
Choose a diverse team with a broad skill set. Utilise the Belbin materials.
Respect the individuality of team members, try not to get frustrated.
Inspire creativity.
Be honest with team members always, excessive excuses can be transparent.
Sometimes life gets in the way, especially as a distance student with work, study and family commitments.
Have a contingency plan when things get in the way of progress.
Be respectful and provide constructive feedback.
Listen to constructive feedback from others, try not to be defensive.
Take responsibility for your contribution and be a reliable team member.
Goof teamwork builds confidence, confidence leads to a better result.
Be cognizant of your weakness and try to work on improving those areas.
Try to have some fun while you work and interact.
Figure 1: Effective Teamwork
Source: Google Images (2020)