because kaamulan comes from amul (meaning to gather). kaamulan is a gathering for datuship ritual, a wedding ceremony, a thanksgiving festival during harvest time, a feeling of peace or all these together. The typical Indigenous People of this Province are broadly identified into two ethnical origins namely: the Bukidnon and the Manobo. The Bukideño have distinct physical characteristics whom may be describe as with slight build bodies, slanting eyelets, relatively high noses with lips that ranges from medium and brown to light skin color. They speak binukid, which is distinctive with up and down tone unlike other dialects. While the Manobo is a Negrito mixture and resembles to have small bodies, dark skin, curly hair with broad to flat noses. Socially, the so-called Bukidnon live in the relative flatlands of the Bukidnon plateau and have already adopted Christian ways and utilized modern technology while the Manobos live in the mountains and do not want to mingle with the Christians and other people. It is believed that Bukidnon have a more advanced stage of development and who have developed their own culture and traditions.