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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (Respiratory Disorders (Tuberculosis-bacterial…
Respiratory Disorders
Chronic Bronchitis-thickening & inflammation of the bronchi, mucus becomes inflamed
Seasonal Flu- viral infection; many variations of the virus & H changes rapidly year to year which changed severity of symptoms
Sudden Infant death Syndrome SIDS- unexplained infant death, causes may be due to neural respiratory control center or abnormal heart rhythm
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonar Disorder (COPD)
-includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema & asthma , labored and difficulty breathing becoming progressively more aggressive
Breathing Mechanisms
Passive process-diaphragm & rib muscles relax
-elastic recoil of stretched elastic fibers of lungs, decrease lung volume; increase pressure forcing out air out of lungs
Forced expiration-requires contraction of intercostal (ribs) muscles & abdominal muscles
Pulmonary Ventilation
-movement of air in lungs; depends on pressure gradient
-before inspiration, pressure in lungs PL= pressure of constant atmosphere PA= 760mmHg
-Inspiration-flow of air into lung PL<PA
-*Expiration*-air leaving lung PL>PA
Inspiration increase size of thoracic cavity & decrease pressure
-diaphram(most important muscle of inspiration moved down)
-moves ribs up & sternum forward
Forced Inhalation-scalene muscles, sternocleidomastoid & pectorals major
Paranasal Sinuses
-cavities within bones:
frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid(floor skull), maxillary(jaw bone)bone
lighten the skull (empty air chamber)
resonance chambers for speech
produce mucus>sick=overproduction
Pharynx (throat)
-muscular passage from nasal cavity to pharynx(aids in food/water/air/swallowing)
-three regions the pharynx
Nasopharynx-superior region behind nasal cavity (passage of air only)
Oropharynx- middle region behind mouth
Laryngopharynx-inferior region attached to larynx
-oropharynx & laryngopharynx are common passageways for air & food
Nasal Cavity
-rest lined with respiratory mucosa(ciliated psuedostratified columnar epithelium): moisten air, traps incoming foreign particles
-lateral walls have conchae: increases surface area, increases air turbulence within nasal cavity
(superior, medial,inferior=turbinates)
Olfactory Receptors (sense of smell)located in mucosa on superior surface
-air enters nose through external nares(nostrils)
-nasal cavity (interior of nose) divided by nasal septum (wall
Primary Bronchi
-formed by division of trachea
-enters lung @ hilus
-bronchi subdivide into smaller & smaller branches
Conducting Zone -passage way for gas (brachial tree, air passes through)
Primary bronchi
Secondary Bronchi
Tertiary bronchi
Terminal bronchiole-end in alveoli
Respiratory Zone
Alveolar Duct-branch from brachioles
Alveoli (air sacs): out pouching of alveolar duct, sites of gas exchange surrounded by capillaries, produce surfactant(coats alveolar surfaces) allows alveoli to expand
-occupy most of thoracic cavity
-apex is near clavicle (superior portion)
-base rests on diaphragm
-each lung is divided into lobes by fissures (2 on left; 3 on right)
-the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; the voice box.
-connects larynx w/ bronchi
-fairly rigid b/c of c-shaped rings made of hyaline cartilage to keep airway open @ all times
-lined w/ ciliated(psuedostratified columnar epithelium) mucosa: beat continuously in opposite direction of incoming air, mucus loaded w/dust & other debris away from lungs
Left & Right Lung
Each Lung is divided into lobes by fissures
-2 fissures on the left, 3 fissures on the right
-the left has cardiac notch, oblique fissure, and inferior lobe
-right has horizontal fissure, middle lobe, oblique fissure, inferior lobe
Left & Right Bronchi
Right bronchus is wider, shorter, & straighter than the left
,due to the presence of the heart on the left side
-the both subdivide into smaller & smaller branches
Major Functions
-Gas exchanges between blood & external environment
-Passageways to lungs: purify, warm, humidify incoming air