As students transition from special education settings to post secondary settings, they may be in more inclusive social settings. Research states that 41% of neurotypically developing 12th graders reported drinking alcohol within 30 days of answering a social interaction/alcohol survey (Laurent, J., Harbke C., Blake, D., & Catanzaro S. J. 2012). This same research also identified students with special needs who self-reported experiencing alcohol, and having a negative experience. Implications from this research include the question of "what peer proofing/peer pressure strategies may students with special needs benefit from having, regarding alcohol, prior to entering post secondary experiences? And, would the introduction of these strategies aid these students in having as more successful transition?
Laurent, J., Harbe C., Blake, D., Salvatore J., Catanzaro S.J., Differences in Drinking Expectancies and Motives for Regular Education and Special Education High School Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. J. Drug Education. V 42, pp13-32.