Imperialism Nigeria
4 forms of imperialsim
Sphere of influence
Economic imperialism
A country or a territory governed internally by a foreign power
A country or a territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power
An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment r trading privileges
An independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments
Example: The Dole Fruit company controlled pineapple trade in Hawaii
Example: Liberia was under the sphere of influence of the United States
Example: Somaliland in East Africa was a French colony
Britain established a protectorate over the Niger River delta
Imperial Management Methods
Direct control
Indirect control
Local government officials used
Limited self-rule
Goal: to develop future leaders
Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules
British colonies such as Nigeria, India, Burma
Foreign officials brought in to rule
No self-rule
Goal: Assimilation
U.S colonies on Pacific Islands
Government institutions are based only on European styles
French colonies such as Somaliland, Vietnam
German colonies such as German East Africa
Portuguese colonies such as Angola
Governing people in a parental way by providing for their needs but not giving them rights
Absorbing colonized people onto the culture of the imperialist nation
Cultural diversity
About 250 different ethnic groups
Three largest group
Hausa-Fulani (North)
Central government and Muslim
Yoruba (S.W)
Igbo (S.E)
Relied on tribal chief for control and followed traditional religion
Relied on tribal chief for control and followed traditional religion
African Resistance
Unsuccessful movements
Successful resistance
African v.s French
Led by Samori Toure
Fought because of German's insistence that they plant cotton, a cash crop for export, rather than attend to their own food crops
75,000 resisters dead
Killed by German machine gun
More than twice that number perished in the famine
75,000 resisters dead
The rebellions made German shocked, so they made colonialism more acceptable to the Africans
More than twice that number perished in the famine
The only African nation that successfully resisted the Europeans
Led by Menelik the Second
He successfully played Italians, French, and British against each other
He built a large arsenal of modern weapons purchased from France and Russia
1889: He signed a treaty with Italy
Italians claimed all of Ethiopia as a protectorate
Italians forces were advancing into Northern Ethiopia
Menelik Declared war(1896): The Battle of Adowa
Ethiopia defeated Italians and kept independence
Menelik continued to stockpile rifles and other modern weapons
British colony
Used both diplomatic & military means
Legacies of Colonialism
Negative effects
Positive effects
Loss of lands
Loss of independence
Loss of culture
Loss of traditional and authority figures
Identity problems
Arbitrary of division continent
Diseases –– smallpox
Famines –– cash crops
Reduced local warfare
Life spans