70 year old female moved from Fort Worth to Denver, Colorado has viral lung infection causing difficult breathing with a nasty cough

Upstream Causes

Downstream Effects

Respiratory Physiology (@ alveolar level)

Lung Anatomy

Higher altitudes have colder air that is less dense and contain fewer oxygen molecules than lower altitude

Viral infections cause shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing when exhaling

Age your lung tissue, bones, and muscles all change

If left untreated it can develop pneumonia

Interaction with other systems

Fast, shallow breathing, wet, wheezy cough and fluid in lungs because the lungs cannot fill up with air as easily




Carries oxygen tot he rest of the body, cells, and tissues

Protects the lungs and the rest of the respiratory tract against inhaled microorganisms

Change in intrathoracic pressure affects blood flow to the heart

Inflammation of Respiratory System

Partial Pressure

Gas Laws

Trachea conducts inhaled air into bronchi

Bronchi divide into bronchioles

Located on both sides of the chest

Bronchioles end in clusters of alveoli

Spongy, air filled organs

Inside alveoli oxygen is taken to the blood

Carbon Dioxide travels from blood to alveoli to be exhaled

Lungs are covered in thin tissue called pleura

Thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant so lungs can contract and relax more smoothly

Carbon Dioxide travels from blood to alveoli to be exhaled

Inside alveoli oxygen is absorbed into the blood

Dalton's Law

Henry's Law

Boyle's Law

The pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature

Law of partial pressures: the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is a sum of the partial pressures of each of the separate gases

P ∝ C (or) P = kH.C

Lower Volume = Higher Pressure

Higher Pressure = Lower Volume

States that at the amount of gas that is dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid when the temperature is kept constant


Elevation affects partial pressure because the fall in atmospheric pressure

The pressure that would be exerted by one of the gases in a mixture if it occupied the same volume on its own

No oxygen in lungs causes no oxygen in blood which then causes tissue and cell damage

After tissue and cell damage, organ damage can also occur

Inflammation causes a closing of alveoli causing little airflow into lungs