“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.”

Freeman Dyson

Define- the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

Defend- Without technology and its progression, modern day America would not be anything like it is.

Defend- Technology makes everyone's life much easier; without technology, most people wouldn't know what to do.

Defend- Technology has also connected the world together, so people can communicate instantly across the world.

Defend- Technology has had a massive impact on the medical field by making it quicker and more efficient to diagnose health issues.

Defend- With the invention of Google and other sites like it, knowledge is readily available and able to obtain in a matter of seconds.

Defend- Amazon and other online shopping websites have impacted people's daily lives because ordering a package and having it delivered in two days is much easier than going to the store to buy it.

Defend- Technology has introduced video calling which reconnects people over long distances such as military deployment.

Defend- Lots of jobs have been created due to the invention of technology.

Defend- Technology has created YouTube which makes it very easy to learn new things in a short period of time.

Oppose- Technology has made diagnosing patients quicker but also more expensive.

Oppose- Online communication has made people less social in real life because they are used to being behind the screen.

Oppose- These YouTube videos could not be correct or purposely teaching you the wrong information.

Oppose- Google's search results are based on popularity rather than validity which can lead to getting false information.

Oppose- While jobs have been created, others have died out due to technology.

Oppose- If America did not have the technology it has today, people would have to go back to basics and use much simpler machines to complete simple tasks

Oppose- The invention of Amazon and its two day shipping has made people very lazy or sedentary.

Oppose- Video calling is still not as good as face-to-face conversations because there is that screen barrier between the two people.

Oppose- Without technology we would not have to do as many complicated tasks and everything would be more simple and easy to understand.