Katerina Kan


Blue/purple + White + Coral

change name to Katerina Kan

Slogans: Shine a Flashlight on your Dreams / Align your Space, Reframe your Brain, Shine your Light

You receive: Alignment with Dreams & Desire / Face to Face relationships & healings / health + prosperity / bridge from normal to metaphysical

KATE 2020: Confident / resourced / caring / seen / skilled / disciplined / grounded / feminine / grounded / multi-dimensional



Feng shui Myths Debunk: Video content

Pop Quiz: Feng Shui 101 - enter your email to get results

Feng Shui your Mind: Affirmations for Clarity (ebook)

Website: make first 20 seconds clear AF / several CTAs on the homepage / add an FAQ page


Flashlight of clarity

Quick & easy healing & transformation

I am a bridge from normal to magical

people looping in drama/mess/conflict/patterns

discomfort wants to be seen & heard

shine healing flashlight on needs & desires