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Deglutition (Reflexes (Chewing reflex: triggered by deep pressure on the…
Retch: involuntary; caused by noxious smells, tastes, visual stimulation
- Food is chewed in the mouth
- The tongue helps to form a bolus with food
- The food bolus reaches the faucial pillars and trigger the pharyngeal swallow response
- The posterior tongue drops and moves posteriorly towards the back wall of the pharynx
- Elevation and anterior movement of the larynx
- Epiglottis inverts to cover the opening of the trachea
- The bolus passes through the upper esophageal sphincter
Oral Preparatory Stage (mastication): ground up; seal lips; saliva form bolus; sensory receptors monitor bolus
Oral Stage (transportation): posterior tongue; mastication stops; anterior tongue; vocal folds; tongue tip & dorsum towards faucial pillars
Muscles involved in Oral phase(both): masseter, temporalis, internal ptergoid, styloglossus, genioglossus, palatoglossus, superior longitudinal,
Pharyngeal Stage (pharyngeal swallow): triggered by faucial pillars; central pattern generator circuit; epiglottis(hyolaryngeal elevation & pressurization of pharynx)-pyriform sinuses-esophagus
Muscles involved in pharyngeal stage: Levator veli palatini, stylopharyngeus, stylohyoid, thyrohyoid, transverse arytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, inferior constrictor
Esophageal Stage (final): reflexive and involuntary peristaltic movement; modified barium swallow studies(MBSS)
Parotid gland: "glue" of bolus; thick, protein rich mucus
Muscles of Mastication
masseter: superficial, elevate mandible
tempeoralis: fast, elevate mandible, draw it back if it was intruding out
Mandibular depressors: digastrics(anterior & posterior), mylohyoid, geniohyoid, plastysma
face: obicularis(superior & inferior)-strip and seal food, buccinator muscles-move food to grinding surface of teeth
velum: close velopharyngeal port, build up pressure for swallowing
pharyngeal musculature(Oral, nasal, laryngeal pharynx)
constrictor muscles(press and narrow): superior, middle, posterior- circopharyngeus & upper esophageal sphincter