Stages of Memory

Memory Storage

Criticisms of Memory Experiments

Memory Retrieval

Memory Encoding

The way we store information affects the way we recall it

Most research done on memory is done in a lab

Refers to recalling information

Information can be encoded three ways

Acoustic (sound)

Semantic (meaning)

Visual (picture)

People repeat things they want to remember, this is called rehearsal

short-term memory capacity is 5-9

chucking information together can make it easier to remember

STM is stored and recalled sequentially

information can only be stored for a certain amount of time in STM (0-30 seconds), LTM can last a lifetime

LTM is stored and recalled associationally

LTM stored and recalled associationally

The setting, the lab, and the tasks patients are asked to do are different from everyday actions

Sometime the setting not real and the tasks hold no meaning

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