is a condition characterized by physical deformity and learning difficulties that is caused by congenital thyroid deficiency
a genetic defect that affects thyroid hormone production
too little iodine in the mother diet during pregnancy
Caused by a missing, poorly formed, or abnormally small thyroid gland
use of medication that disrupt thyroid hormones production during pregnancy
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Thyroid gland develops from the buccopharyngeal cavity between 4 to 10 week gestation
The thyroid arises from the fourth branchial pouches and uitimately ends up as abilobed organ in the neck
Erros n migration of thyroid tissues can resuit in thyroid aplasia
By 10-11 week's gestation, thefetal thyroid is capable of producing thyroid hormone
Stunted growth
Fatigue, lethargy
Lack of weight gain
Poor feeding
Thyroid hormones to control conditon
Intravenous fluids
Take iron supplement
Gives levothyroxine within first four weeks after birth