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Etymology ((translation loans (are words or word phrases, which are formed…
translation loans
are words or word phrases, which are formed from the material of a given language but after the foreign pattern by means of literal, morpheme-for-morpheme (word-for-word) translation.
Germ. Wunderkind = wonder child
Fr. par coeur = by heart
It. prima ballerina = first dancer
Semantic loan
is the development in a loan word a new meaning under the influence of a related word in another language
, acquired its new meaning under the influence of a
word ‘
’ -
"to live"
Etymological doublets
are two or more words, which were derived by different ways from one and the same basic original word.
Lat. discus - OE dish - MoE disk
Lat. hospital - Fr. hostel - Fr. – hotel
International words
words of identical origin(однакового походження) which occur in several languages as a result of simultaneous or successive borrowing from the same source
words have the same origin but different semantic structures
sympathetic = 'understanding and caring about someone's else suffering' не дорівнює 'nice'
International words shouldn’t be confused with pseudo-inteernational ones false friends.
Many English words became international, they can be grouped and we can point out.
articles of clothing,
connected with entertainments: film, cocktail, club.
sporting terms,
a partial or total conformation (уподібнення) to the phonetic and morphological standards of the receiving language and its semantic system
In the course of time borrowing underwent lots of changes in the adopting language and assimilated.
phonetic assimilation
changes in the sound system
(sounds alien to the north of English are adjusted to make them fit into phonological system of the receiving language)
(чоловік чув на північній частині телефону незрозумілі звуки, їх відредагували відповідно до тої мови якою він говорить)
/з/ (long e) in French words is replaced by the diphthong /ei/ in English
(попікся об чашкуз кавою і каже ей)
buffet, cafe
The stress is gradually shifted to the 1st syllable so such French words as season, reason are accented in the same way as father mother
grammatical assimilation
borrowings lost all their former grammatical categories and inflections and acquired new ones.
(слон втратив своїх батьк але отри нових - качо)
Ukr писанка - E pysanka
lexical assimilation
changes in the semantic structure of loaned word,
some words may acquire new meanings in English.
(лис змінив свою структуру)
Sometimes a primary meaning may become a secondary one or vice versa.
(іноді в нього синього коліру було більше )
Sc. Fellow (friend, companion, coworker) - now it’s basic meaning is ‘a boy’ or ‘ a man’ – (outdoor game, entertainment) – now ‘activity’.
Lateron was borrowed with the same meaning and became international (outdoor activity/game)
Italian ‘umbrella’ (sunshade) – umbrella (getting shade(shelter) from the rain)
Some borrowed words are easily recognized as foreign but others look very much like native elements because of the degree of their assimilation which depends on following factors:
Time of the borrowing
the older the borrowing the more it follows eng accentuation and pronunciation.
French – sport
Frequency of usage
the more frequent the borrowing is used, the more frequent It is.
The ways of the borrowing appear in the language
(orally or through writing)
Oral are more rapidly assimilated than written ones.
Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation
Completely assimilated borrowings
do not reveal any signs of foreign origin and fully correspond(відповідають) to English: spelling, pronunciation and grammatical structure
Lat. wine, street, plum, cheese, wall, pear
Fr. table, chair, figure, face, finish, matter
Scand. husband, fellow, wing, root, take, die
Partially assimilated loanwords
not assimilated phonetically
French borrowings
(фиглядає як францужинка)
retained stress on the last sylable
(акцентує увагу на капелюшку - останній деталі)
police, cartoon, demand, defence, contain
retain special combinations of sounds:
(комбінація чорного і жовтого щоб було ваау)
the combination of sounds /wa:/ in the words: e.g memoir, boulevard, bourgeois
the final consonant is not pronounced
(остання частина плаття (верх) нема)
buffeеt, ballet, comb, bomb, coup
retain the alien sound /3 (до низу заукруглене)
(в колончику жук)
pleasure, measure, treasure
not assimilated grammatically
гарчав на неї
are represented by nouns of Latin and Greek origin
which preserved their former plural form
(вона Латина він Грек - збереглись разом)
datum - data,
criterion - criteria,
phenomenon - phenomena,
crisis - crises,
analysis - analyses,
stimulus – stimuli.
partly assimilated graphically
побл так що вийшов графік
The diacritic mark is sometimes preserved:
(хусточка від коханої збереглась)
cliché, café
Some words still have peculiar letter combinations:
(деякі напитки мають цікаві комбінації)
ph denotes the sound /f/: (phoneme, morpheme)
ps denotes the sound /s/: (psychology)
ou - /u:/: (boulevard, camouflage, bourgeois)
qu - /k/: (question, bouquet)
ch - /k/: (cholera, chemistry, orchestra)
ch - /s (ш)/: (chef, machine, chic, parachute)
In Greek borrowings the letter "y" can be spelled in the middle of the word:
він грек , галстук по середині
symbol, synonym
not assimilated semantically
зустріла Сема
denote objects and phenomena alien to the British way of life
Names of professions and titles:
(шукає професію)
Names of foreign vehicles:
Names of food
(люди сидять і їдять)
Names of clothes:
(її одяг)
Non-assimilated words or barbarisms
haven’t adopted the norms of English
They have equivalence of Anglo-Saxon origin.
Fr. tête-à-tête ("face to face') vis-à-vis ('eye to eye') adieu ('good bye') affiche ('placard')
It. ciao, dolce vita
Gr. eureka
Loanwords from Latin, Greek, Scandinavian, French & other languages
mathematics, physics, psychiatry, botany, lexicology
terms: synonym, antonym, homonym, metaphor, metonymy, neologism, archaism
telephone, microscope, phonograph
other languages
violin, opera, piano, libretto, sonata, tempo
most borrowing were from Latin
The Angles, Saxons and Jutes adopted Latin words from Romans.
connected with:
fruit and other products
OE win (E. wine) - L. vinum,
the fortifications built
OE weall (E. wall) - L vallum,
the introduction of Christianity 7th c
OE anzel - L angelus,
words of a more general nature,
OE sco(:)l (E. school) - L schola - Gk. skhole(:),
personal names and places:
York, Thames, Kent, Avon, Dover.
place names (over 1400)
by, thorpe, -thwaite
mostly everyday words
ME taken (E. take) - Sc. taka;
personal pronouns:
Sk реіr (E. they),
peim (E. them),
peirra (E. their)
po (E. though)
other borrowings:
husband, fellow, window, egg, skirt, sky, skin, skill, anger; wrong, ill, happy, ugly, low, odd; cast, want, die, drown.
aristocratic words
Native (genuine) language items.
Words of the Common
Kinship terms(терміни спорідненості) or names of family relations.
(тримаються за руки як сім'я)
father mother sister brother
Names of celestial(небесні) bodies
the sun the moon
one, two, hundred
Names of trees
birch, poplar tree
Names of animals and birds
(змія на куртці яка їсть птахів)
wolf cat goose
Words denoting various qualities and properties (властивості)
(слова на спині говорять про їхні властивості)
old, young, cold, hot dark
Words denoting common actions.
go, see, hear do, sit stand, eat drink
Parts of the human body
(типу ріг на чолі в рижої)
foot, nose, lip, heart
Words of the
Common Germanic
to this group belongs a large part of core vocabulary.
which have equivalents in Swedish, Norvegian, German. Icelandic etc
but which can’t be found in Romans and Slawonic lang
here belong most
auxiliary and modal verbs,
prepositions and conjunction.
Some of the main groups(not words) of Germanic words are the same as in the I-E group.
plants, trees and fruit
1 more item...
domestic animals
1 more item...
1 more item...
1 more item...
1 more item...
Parts of the human body
arm, hand, finger, toe, head
can be recognized by morphological features
One syllable or two syllable tools
(одна цепоочка і два кульчики - інструменти)
Polysemy (10 meanings and more)
(дерево символізує полісимію)
Initial letters and letter combinations
(її перевтілення почалось з помади)
в 12 років сіла на колесо яке її занесло до хвиль, почала писати твори
w (wave),
wh (wheel),
wr (write),
tw (twelve),
dw (dwarf)
sw (sweel)
y (yard)
Peculiar letter combinations in the pool of the word
(дві фотки там намальований міст, дівчина чекає на хлопця, дивиться на годинник і співаєє пісню, риба плаває в річці,, )
sh- (fish),
th- (that),
ch- (watch)
ng- (song),
dg- (bridge)
Digraphs representing one sound (орфографи)
(одна фотка на якій зображено як дівчина дивиться на свої ноги з новим манікюром , бать його і згадує що вже десь бачила такий самий)
-ew (new),
-aw (saw),
-ee (see),
-oo (foot)
The term ‘native’ - denote words which belong to the original English word stock.
(волосся - оригі)
Many native elements are used as a basis for creating new phraseological units, idoms, etc.
(багато елементів Нейта створюють базу для створення нових фразе, ідіомів, (повязані з його волоссям, силою)
have a great word building power and possess large group of
(formed with the help of suff and preff or any other) and
words (consisting of two or more stems)
(Нейт має багато сили в руках щоб побудувати слово)
wood: woody, woodland, woodcraft, wood-pecker, wood cutter, woodwork, etc
etymon "original form",
(етикетка - в орегінальній формі)
logos 'study of'
(вивчає людей скануючи настрій)
is a branch of linguistic that studies
of words
(вивчає походження і історію меду)
Eng has borrowed a lot of words from other languages.
the Eng lexicon is like a large mosaic that consist of the vocabulary of many old languages
(Latin, Gk, Scandinavian, Fr and others (+De))
Англієць позичив багато бджіл з різних країн і тепер його пасіка схожий на мозаїку з бджіл з тих країн ( Латина, Греція, Скандинавія, Франція і тд)
To give an etymologic survey of English means
to characterize English from the point of its origin,
development of its different layers.
The historical causes of appearance native and borrowed elements
the comparative value of native and borrowed elements in the language.
(описати походження Англійця, розвиток різних шарів суспільства, історичні події що призвели до появи бджіл, порівняти цінність запозичених бджіл з нейтів)
Causes and ways of borrowing
up to 70% of the voc of eng lang consists of loaned words. This is due to the fact that in its 1st centry (recorded in written available manuscripts) english contacted with many other tongues.
Foreign words generally come into lang through the following ways.
Political, cultural and economic relations between nation.
Beginning with the Roman inwasion, the adoption of Christianity, Scandinavian and Norman Conquests of the British Isles, the development of British Colonialism, trade, cultural relations served to increase immensely the English vocabulary.
As a result of language cross
with French in the 11-14 centuries.
In both cases the eng lang was victorious. though it has considerably enriched its vocab with many French and Scandinavian words.
with Scandinavian languages in the 10-th century