CAMs 222362 - Minor combustion event on rear of multi-sprayer truck






Sprayer Operator with 20 years experience

Sprayer Operator made changes to the airline system

Sprayer Operator is not a mechanic tradesman

Insulation was coated with bitumen, cleaning product, water

Guarding over the top of the bitumen pipes and created a sauna effect

No written process for best practice of cleaning a sprayer

SWMS for washbay (may need review)

Operators that were not sprayer operators, cleaned the truck

The cleaning process of cleaning agents, a gernie and volume of product contributed to soaking of insulation

It is unknown which brand type solvents were used to clean the truck

The recycling unit recycles treated water, when it recycles it is still sending the product out (not just water being pumped through)

Workshop have incorrectly re-configured the air system

Sprayer sprayed 3.2m litres in 2 months working out West and returned to site in a LTA condition

What is the process when a sprayer is lent elsewhere to ensure cleanliness upon return to originating BU

This is the only multi-sprayer in FHA

Historical design of the truck to the maintenance department is limited

Personnel that were initially trained in operation of this machine has now left employment

Unclear why insulation was placed into the truck

there is no reasoning for why the insulation needed to go into the truck

Added lagging to bitumen pipe which added to the sauna environment

Air isolation lever was obscured from easy access

airline tubing wasn't clad in fire retardant product and has high flammability (susceptible to melting in hot environments)

Checked electrical and was not a means of causation of fire

Post inspection of plant suggests issues with hazardous zones for electrical

Consideration for slips/trips when accessing rear deck