Grade 4 Science Light and Sound
Environmental Impact on Animals of Light and Sound Pollution
In pairs, students will choose an animal (from a teacher provided list) and research how light and sound pollution influence the habits of this animal. Students will choose one media form to convey their message of protecting animals. The students could choose a poster, picture, poem, mock television commercial, newspaper article etc.
Assessment of Learning: The teacher will conference with the student. The student will explain their purpose (technologies effect on the environment) and why they choose this specific media type to suit their purpose.
RPAT 2 Preventing Light and Sound from Escaping a Model Factory
Students will work in groups to identify what objects that emit their own light and create something that can reduce sound and light pollution escaping from these objects in factories.The teacher will provide each group with a model factory(a cardboard box with holes for windows cut out of it). The students will use a variety of various materials and techniques to stop the sound and light from escaping the box. The structure of the box cannot be changed just as a factory structure cannot be changed. The students will put an ipad in the box (with the screen on) to minic lights in a factory and will play music from the ipad (to mimic the sound coming from a factory). The students will decide if they will absorb, reflect, or refract the light and sound from a factory, and which materials they will use to stop the light and sound.
Assessment of Learning: The students will create a poster with information about their materials, techniques, and a rationale for how they stopped the light and the sound. Each student will create a 1 minute oral presentation about their poster and their project. Each student will deliver their oral presentation to the class.
Apart from the assessment, the students will also be prepared to use the presentation that they gave to the class to talk to parents who visit their display at a school-wide parent/community innovation evening.
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2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including natural, artificial, beam of light, pitch, loudness, and vibration, in oral and written communication
3.3 describe properties of light, including the following: light travels in a straight path; light can be absorbed, reflected, and refracted
3.4 describe properties of sound, including the following: sound travels; sound can be absorbed or reflected and can be modified
3.5 explain how vibrations cause sound
3.6 describe how different objects and materials interact with light and sound energy (e.g., prisms separate light into colours; voices echo off mountains; some light penetrates through wax paper; sound travels further in water than air)
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2.2 investigate the basic properties of light
2.3 investigate the basic properties of sound
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- Investigate the characteristics and properties of light and sound
- demonstrate an understanding of light and sound as forms of energy that have specific characteristics and properties.
Oral Presentations
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2.3 communicate in a clear, coherent manner,
presenting ideas, opinions, and
information in a readily understandable
2.4 use appropriate words and phrases
from the full range of their vocabulary,
including inclusive and non-discriminatory
terms, and appropriate elements of
style, to communicate their meaning
accurately and engage the interest of
their audience
2.5 identify some vocal effects, including
tone, pace, pitch, volume, and a range
of sound effects, and use them appropriately
and with sensitivity towards
cultural differences to help communicate
their meaning
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Media Literacy
3, create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate
forms, conventions, and techniques;
3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create
3.3 identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create
3.4 produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques
1.2 assess the impacts on society and the environment of light and/or sound energy produced by different technologies, taking different perspectives into account
- assess the impact on society and the environment of technological innovations related to light and sound;
- use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences
for a variety of purposes;
- identify some media forms and
explain how the conventions
and techniques associated
with them are used to create meaning;
2.6 identify some non-verbal cues, including
facial expression, gestures, and eye contact,
and use them in oral communications,
appropriately and with sensitivity
towards cultural differences, to help
convey their meaning
2.7 use a variety of appropriate visual aids
(e.g., CDs or DVDs, computer-generated
graphic organizers, concrete materials,
artefacts) to support or enhance oral
2.5 use scientific inquiry/research skills (see
page 15) to investigate applications of the
properties of light or sound
2.6 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary,
including natural, artificial, beam of
light, pitch, loudness, and vibration, in oral and
written communication
2.7 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graph- ic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes
(e.g., create a song or short drama presentation for younger students that will alert them to the dangers of exposure to intense light and sound)
2.4 use technological problem-solving skills (see page 16) to design, build, and test a device that makes use of the properties of light (e.g., a periscope, a kaleidoscope) or sound (e.g., a musical instrument, a sound amplification device)
Pinnell, Freeman and Shi
Grade 4: Sound and Light