SWB in different age groups- YOUNGER-participation in positive social & leisure activities, exploring the world & hope, gap between ideal self & actual self, more satisfied with anticipated future MIDDLE AGED-positive relationships, capacity for loving relationships, gap between ideal & actual self. OLDER ADULTS-previous educational&work experiences, self regulation, both were similar, more satisfied with past accomplishment
there are gonna be challenges in different phases of life.. How do we handle them.. NORMATIVE LIFE EVENTS-similar to people in a specific age group & culture-job entrym marriage, parenthood NON-NORMATIVE LIFE EVENTS-unusual occurences that have a major impact, illness, financial crisis, accident
we can either ACCOMODATE-requires us to change goals, assumptions or identities. or ASSIMILATE-allows us to keep striving without major alteration in goals, assumptions or identity
Modern developmentalists view lifespan development as contextual, but believe people are ACTIVE AGENTS who shape, control and direct the course of their own development
Positive psychologists believe that adult development is a CONTINOUS PROCESS of anticipating the future, apprasing & reapprasing goals, adjusting to current realities & regulating expectations to maintain a sense of well being
new longitudinal studies show that there is no midlife crisis. Cross sectional studies are bad because they dont assess within person change.
SWB is only marginally correlated with age. PEOPLE CAN BE HAPPY & SATISFIED AT ANY AGE= but... there are some general age trends. WELL BEING isnt stable but improves with age, from midlife into early old age-declines during last years of life
previous conceptualization was that adolesence was a time of STORM & STRESS, but the CURRENT conceptualization is that POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT fosters 5 Cs= COMPENTENCE, CONFIDENCE, CONNECTION, CHARACTER, CARING&COMPASSION + 6TH C that is CONTRIBUTION (form of altruism)
INDIVIDUAL DIFFRENCES IN LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT- Mills study- 4 groups based on Ryffs dimensions on maturity- ENVIORMENTAL MASTERY (sense of mastery in managing enviormental factor including managing everyday affairs) & PERSONAL GROWTH (welcoming new experiences, recognizes improvement in behavior & self over time)
CONSERVERS-comfortable with identity, dampen emotions so both posiitve & negative are kept in check
ACHIEVERS-most integrated sense of self, maximizers on positive emotions
SEEKERS-dont accept conventional definitions of who they should be, amplified emotions so they can feel more deeply
3 paths to Positive Adult Development- ACHIEVERS-competent, generative, integrated identitiy CONSERVERS-compentent but convenitonal, less open SEEKERS-open, high on wisdom, still searching for stable identity DEPLETED-unresolved emotional difficulties
THEORY 2 ON STUDY ON EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Labouvie Vief and Madler-theory that people regulate emotions based on 2 different strategies- AFFEFCT OPTIMIZATION (the tendency to maximize positive, minimaze negative) vs AFFECT COMPLEXITY (coordinate pos&neg. emotions into cog-emotional schemas that are flexible & integrated)
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