I've previously created many many Process Models, it is one of the techniques I feel most confident about. In order to create one I usualy start by doing document analysis to collect and draw up what I ciurrently understand of the As-Is process. I then use interviews, IM's workshops to start to elicit more around the As-Is and to start drawing u and understanding what the key stakeholders want from the To-Be. I would then show the created models once complete to the stakeholders for sign off and wewould then move on to developing or making these process changing. For example, back on the Agreement Management SOP Project, the purpose was to increase rthe responsibility on Budget and Service Owner in the organisation. To enable this, we needed new SOPs showing newprocesses that we wanted to start using moving resposnbility towards these budget owners. As such, I had a kick-off meeting with my key stakeholders, an interview and asked them to run through the As-Is process. I documented each step in notes, and played it bac to them. When they were happy I then used Visio to draw up the model as I understood it. I sent it back to them for reviiwal and with several iterations we came to create a final model
I used Visio because it is the company standard software, that will be installed on most devices here at Maersk. I enjoy using Visio, I think its quite easy, there is no need to reformat models from othr people and it is support by our IT Infrasrcuture.
I used UML because it is an industry standard modelling lanaguage, it is easy to understand, people will get the model and standardization is important to me.
I choose to Process Model because it improess communication in the business, for example the SOP can now be shared with SOs to make them aware of their roles, it enables operational efficicency (like a project im working on now actually regarding the E2E Procurement process). It also enables sandardization - espeially for an Orfg like Maersk, we have seen different parts of the Org do the same process differently, like.....