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Expertises dans les communes (Recherche de la littérature (Formen der…
Expertises dans les communes
Recherche de la littérature
Évolution couverture de l'expertise
Lit. LADNER (Gemeindereformen … 2001):
1960er: Reformfeindlichkeit
1970er/80er: NPM (Deregulation, Privatization, Marketization)
1990er: Legitimationsansprüche schaffen Netzwerke und Verhandlugnssysteme
Formen der Aufgabenerledigung
Ladner (2001): : v. a. in Gemeinden mit >5'000 Leuten
NMG since 2017 (Chapter 9, making the state work successfully)
Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit (Zweckverbände)
politisch weniger heikel
PPP (Athias et al, making the state work successfully: only 2 in CH)
enhances efficiency gains + transaction costs by bundling the different phases of a project
Contracting out / Privatization
Arm Length Bodies (ALBs)
Van Genugten 2020
Courant état de la réalisation des tâches
Buy or make decision: factors --> peut pas être utilisé directement, mais pourrait peut-être servir comme rapproche en combinaison avec paradigmes pour la plateforme
stemming from private litterautre (à mon avis)
uncertainty (Girth et al. 2012; Pouder 1996 in Wicht; Johansson 2008; Wicht 2016) :
Williamson 1991 in Johansson 2008: When asset specificity is high, uncertainty is high, too. TC suggests vertical integration.
frequency of transaction (Girth et al. 2012; Williamson 1991 in Johansson 2008)
Personality of decision taker (Wicht 2016)
Spiller 2008 in Wicht, saying "politics are essential to understand decision taker"
rent-seeking (Wicht 2016; ibid quotes Buchanan and Tullock, 1962; Niskanen, 1971; quotes also Engel et al. 2009; also quotes Levin and Tadelis 2010)
nepotism / cronyism
clientelism / patronage
connected to political agenda
ideology (Wicht 2016; against but for efficiency considerations as drivers Levin and Tadelis 2010 in Wicht: 60)
contract / asset specificity (Van Slyke 2003; Pouder 1996 in Wicht; Brown and Potoski 2003 in Wicht p.56
market competition (Borcherding 1977 in Van Slyke 2003, arguing from a public choice perspective; Levin and Tadelis in Wicht subsume difficulty of finding another contractor under contractual difficulty)
contract difficulty (Levin and Tadelis 2010 in Wicht 2016: 58 and on ibid: 60, some tested hypotheses; Pouder 1996 as ex-ante determinant in Wicht, but attention: Wicht saying this part is not conclusive; )
e. g. in Levin and Tadelis: the difficulty of performance measurement, the need for flexibility (i.e. the necessity of future renegotiations), and the difficulty in replacing contractors (which increases the potential for a hold-up by an opportunistic contractor)
e. g. Overwatch capacities like accountability, evaluation (Van Slyke 2003);
requires know how; know how shifts typically when outsourcing (Van Genugten et al. 2020) reinforcing the Hollow State (Milward 1994) --> finally more dependance on extern provider
stemming from PA litterature (à mon avis)
institutional and legal framework (Girth et al. 2012; Wicht 2016; Pouder 1996 as ex-ante determinant in Wicht). CAVE: originally PA-litterature determinant?
e. g. Wicht 2016: saying F speaking cantons contract out less = could be a research limitation
e. g. Pouder 1996 share of unionised employees, the fact that local managers are professionals and the fact that the municipality is member of a Conference of Municipalities
Levin and Tadelis (2010) in Wicht (2016: 60): The negative impact of a merit system contradicts the previous results of Lo ́pez-de-Silanes et al.’s (1997) study
political environment / ideology (Girth et al. 2012; Wicht 2016 quotes studies against political influence esp. in small municipalities; ibid. says ideology drives decision taker [ideology a 2nd time in this tree, connected to personality of decision taker; Van Slyke 2003 is pro; ibid. cites Savas 1987) // quality issues are not decisive; tasks need to be done. Impact of temporary experts on quality could max be subject to further research
PSM (Wicht 2016 which is a new approach he says)
characteristics of municipality (economics of scale; basically everyone) // link with institutional framework?
smaller = less in-house
Levin and Tadelis (2010 in Wicht): small = low access to the market = less contracting with privates --> "less responsive to contracting difficulty"
Van Genugten et al. 2020: small = +difficult to invest
age of city (Wicht 2016: 60)
endettement de la commune (Wicht 2016: 60; see also work LADNER & reform theories)
Levin and Tadelis (2010 in Wicht: 60): Efficiency considerations also appear in the fact that large cities have a big- ger propensity to contract with the private sector (due to a bigger experience) and a smaller propensity to contract with the public sector (as they have less incentives to use such contracts to take profit from economies of scale). // not directly decisive; tasks need to be done. Maybe subject for further research?
Quality affinity (Levin and Tadelis 2010 in Wicht 2016, combined with the premiss that contracting out lowers the quality) // quality issues are not decisive; tasks need to be done. Impact of temporary experts on quality could max be subject to further research
public procurement: ex ante asymmetric information coupled with moral hazard (in Bajari and Tadelis (2001): "see Laffont and Tirole (1983) for a summary"). "Namely, the seller has information about
production costs that the buyer does not have"
ex-ante and ex-post
public choice
transaction cost
outsourcing characteristics
poor outsourcing characteristics
Interview Erich Feller
Bcp de salariés à temps partiel
Souvent, un employé public qui a récemment commencé sa retraite p. ex., est demandé pour les urgences
Il y a des bureaux spécialisés de Personalvermittlung. Ceux-ci sont plus chers (il dit d'1/3).
Trouver: La différence de prix entre l'employé via bureau / l'expert directement employé (p. ex. un retraité)
für Plattform:
Public Choice Theory
Link zu expertises et communes: raisons et modalités; qu'est-ce qui crée des CdT?
incentive theory
contract theory
make or buy
für Reformen:
Krisen- oder Systemzusammenbruchstheorien (grds. pessimistisch; Reformen sind ultima ratio)
kybernetische Systemtheorie (Easton)
Autopoiesis-These (Luhmann)
Chaostheorien (Landfried 1996)
Policy Inheritance (Rose und Davies 1994)
Globalisierungsthesen mit Betonung des Verlusts staatlicher Steuerungskapazitäten (allerdings kann Globalisierung auch als Chance gesehen werden, etwa Linder 1999)
Korporatismus und Konkordanz
Theorie des Veto-Spielers
Politische Gestaltung / Modernisierung
Abgrenzungen des Forschungsobjekts
Alternative Formen der Aufgabenerbringung / Outsourcing (z. B. PPP): Le service est toujours fourni par l'AP; il s'agit d'un remplacement à court terme.
Gemeindereformen (z. B. IKZ, Gemeindefusionen, etc.)