Managing Difficult Stakeholders
What makes them difficult?
Unrealistic expectations
Demanding --> Want it now!
They don't take "no" very well.
Lack of communication or engagement
Not giving enough time / expecting just-in-time requirements gathering and then development immediately after
How have we worked with them in the past?
Clear communication --> Set deadlines,etc.
Just say"no"
Relationship building
Meeting them "where they live"
Discussing impact
Timelines & Dates
Budget and monies
Team Morale
Will this drive new revenue? Or reduce costs / waste? How much?
Make the decision their idea
Remove the feelings; discuss the facts
Seek win-wins
If Mom says no, go to Dad.
Seeds of Vulnerability
"Can you help me?"
"I'm between a rock and a hard place?"
Play to the "human element"
"I need some advice"