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The Crisis Of the Aristocracy & the Emergence of the National State…
The Crisis Of the Aristocracy & the Emergence of the National State
Guman Poma (1535-1616)
He was born during a conquest. An Indigenous Aristocracies and believes in Nationalism. Viceroyalities—Administrative Divisions of an Empire (rule by magnates)
Quechua nobleman writing document for Philip III of Spain about abuses of conquistado (encomendero)
El Primer Nueva coronica y buen gobierno [The First New Chronicle and Good Government] (ca. 1615)
the Mita and the Repartimiento in the Spanish Empire
Types of labor in spanish empire
Mita: Inca system of labor, “season,” transformed by Spanish to mining work
Encomienda: Conquistador grant of people and land
Repartimiento (1542+): Crown-managed labor service, managed by crown official (esp. New Spain)
Hacienda: landowner manages workers (esp. New Spain)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
Leviathan (1651)
title of his book
Rationalized Theory of Absolutist Monarchy
John Locke (1632-1704)
Locke's Two Treaties: Written ca. 1680 & Published 1690
The Lockean Principles of Popular Sovereignty and Liberty
Challenges the idea of “confessionalism” that emerged at the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648
Religious Toleration: Locke, “Reasons for tolerating the Papists equally with others” (1667-8)
The British Restoration (1660-1688)
The Creole Constitution: The Carolina Colony (1663)
Apart of the Glorious Revolution and believed in Parliamentary Sovereignity
British Civil Wars
The Bishop’s Wars in Scotland (1639-40)--Covenanters
The Irish Rebellion (1641)
The English Civil War (1642-1649)—Parliament vs. the King
Execution of the King Charles I (1649)
Oliver Cromwell and the Interregnum (1649-1660)
Charles II and the Restoration (1660)
James Cranford, Teares of Ireland(London: 1642) image of war
Solemn League and Covenant (1643)--English and Scottish Presbyterians created
Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury
(ca. 1672)
The British Restoration (1660-1688)
created with Locke The Creole Constitution: The Carolina Colony (1663)
Party politics formed of the “Whig” party 1678+ in which he founded
“Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina” (1669)
Cooper and Locke
Creates a landowner hereditary aristocracy
Religious toleration of Catholics, Native Americans, Jews and ‘heathens.
All freemen have “absolute power and authority” over slaves
Rule of law vs. British unwritten constitution
John Speed, “A New Description of Carolina,” (London: 1676)
Enlightened Political Systems
Glorious Revolution (1688-9)
removes James II from English throne over issue of Catholic succession
Parliamentary Sovereignty
Parliament selects William of Orange (Dutch) and Mary (England) as joint monarchs, demands a bill of rights