This propaganda basically shows what the Nazis were thinking. In this symbolic propaganda, a Nazi sword is shown stabbing a snake which symbolizes the Nazis killing the Jews. The red words emerging from inside the snake say many words such as unemployment, war guilt, lies and betrayal, corruption, terror, and civil war. This piece of propaganda was used to display the reasons the Nazis highly disliked the Jews and the source of all the hatred towards them. This is on the Nazi's side because it tries to justify the actions of the Nazis by putting a lot of the mistakes of Jews as their reasoning.
Target Audience
This propaganda targets Germans and countries they plan to conquer so they can explain their reasoning behind their actions.
Massaged Message
The Nazis "massaged this message" by saying their act is justifiable because of the mistakes made by the Jews. They treat murdering like it's not bad or wrong to kill lots of people by making the Jews look bad for what they did. All this is set up to make the Nazis look like the victims in this situation.
The Nazi mainly used exploitation in this propaganda by exploiting the mistakes of the Jews to make them look bad causing people to side with the Nazis. The Jews were completely innocent in the Holocaust, but others were misled to think they were terrible and useless people that need to be erased from the world. Simply put, their mistakes were exploited to create their downfall in the holocaust.
This propaganda had ethos because they were trying to convince people with these mistakes they made in the past changing the emotion towards Jews of many people that first read this propaganda. It basically played with their emotions because the Nazis were falsely proving they were justified in genocide with mistakes from the past that make the people mad at the Jews before realizing the Nazis were the real bad guys.
The Nazis have listed information about the Jewish's mistakes and bad side as facts that they have piled up to use to convince people that what they are doing is right. People will believe the Nazi's doings are right because of the Jews mistakes being put against them.