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Dashboard requirements - ideation (Clustering (Education and communication…
Dashboard requirements - ideation
provide more insight
educate & communicate
Education and communication
What's new? - update the organisation
Highlight what is new available
Slack go live for every dashboard.
Regular company wide email update on dashboards built/updated, confluence pages, etc
Provide in channels simple tips about charts
pop of little tips like in datagrip
Tips of the month on ""how to find xyz""
Educate crew on time zone. Time zone plays a big role in final figures. Establish a common time zone across all countries. If we speak about any data warehouse data, by default it should be on UTC time zone. HO is a big example: crew in US look at the data from US time zone, crew in Sydney look at data from AU time zone. Same for crew in UK. But if we compare UTC against UTC, deltas are small.
How to interpret data for insights?
Input conclusions from charts in form of automatic phrases
input some questions in order to make the user think about the chart
Discovery phase: Establish better process to understand the missing insights for each team/individual. Cell E2 - E7 might help to discover and help provide more insights
Provide more education/ training. Crew might be trying to answer different questions based on one single metrics. Which may not provide full picture or sometimes may lead to take wrong decsions. Data quality won't always help if someone look at a wrong metrics or pull data incorrectly or read data wrong.
Speeding up the conclusion to an insight
Feedback box - for FAQ
Summary page with description and main conclusions
Understanding our users regularly
A section to submit answer to 3 questions - Cell E3
"Create a form with 3 simple questions and attach it with newsletter for user feedback.
Have you used any dashboard in the last month or so?
What action you have taken from the data if you have used from dashboard or slack reports? If action was taken just provide the report name and what action was taken
Reshare this in the next newsletter, so that other people know they can take similar actions if needed. Pick the best action from the past month to highlight business success with name of the crew, which probably will help encourage others to submit their responses via form
We also can have a realtime dashboard from the data we will be
collecting via form
Any pain points? - You had a question but you couldn't find the data to find answer to your question
Complete data - "Discovery phase: ""complete data"" may vary by person. Establish better process to understand the ""complete data"" for each team/individual. Cell E2 - E6 might help to discover this
Increase communication. Crew should know we exist to help them. Add a section in the newsletter to submit ticket for their manual process that we can work to automate. Refer to cell E2
Provide a simple and easy way for users to tell if they missed something. All comments could appear in a google sheet or in confluence page, for example
regular surveys to collect and share
"Start biweekly/monthly newsletter
Sharing insights
Each dashboard can have the link to the form so that crew can submit their action anytime. Also it would be a good reminder for them since the link to the form will always remain visible in the dashboard
Make results from the data science projects available to access by the crew anytime. Automate data science projects to re-run itself and store in the DB where applicable.
Regular reporting
Top 3-5 insights on slack. Insights can be linked to a dashboard. This might spark interest in the data and therefore, increase the usage.
Regular verbose report rather than dashboard. E.g. monthly reports that highlight things that happened, show the numbers (screenshot of dashboard with interesting points highlighted), provide insights/what it means to the business, recommendation for following month where applicable
Forum to share insights
An added item to a confluence page send a slack notification
Lessons learnt FAQ
Direct to slack
Show top information
History in the decisions on the design. What problem was encountered?
Announce business success stories based on data used - cell E3. Announce the winner in top decision making category - cell E9"
Masterclasses on "how to" + confluence pages on "how to" use XYZ dashboards
Communicating data quality
bug report
Build trust - help crew understand why, how, when, what etc
existing data issues such as HO data
Overview -> analytical drill down
Consolidated views
Limit the number of charts and information in each page
If we know what key metrics crew look for we could provide examples on how much time they can save by using one consolidated view from different sources
Consolidate reports
Reduce number of reports we already have (WIP)
Refine and consolidate rather than build and forget.
Consolidate and merge dashboards based on usage
Identify action or insights then remove charts till we get the minimal amount of data.
How to incorporate new dashboards into existing one? What actions can we draw from the new request
Check if we can blend dashs in order to reduce the amount of dashs
Group by actions - actionable insights
will be good to undertsand and find out what key metrics leadership crew often look for. increase direct communication with leadership team. based on the findings create one very high level leadership report/dashboard. deliver via slack or email if needed
Strategic dashboard should connect to an analytical one.
start high level & allow drill down or link to another dash. S
Documentation of metrics
Provide the confluence page in the dash in order to use to check which datasources were used in the dashs
Document all data sources (what they are used for, how they were created, which fields they have, which is their date range)
Provide a description and the formula used to calculate each metric (in general, not by dashboard)
Encourage use
Improve UX design
Clean field name (url_path > URL Path)
Start with a simple dashboard. Build up charts based on questions asked
Limit the number of charts and information in each page
Understand key metrics by team/country/niche. Consolidate where applicable
Readability design of fonts
Pattern writing for consistency
"A fun leaderboard of top X crews globally who make key decisions based on data from dashboards/reports created by the data team. This can be generated from submitted data via form. Refer to cell E2-E4
Announce the winner in each newsletter."
popularity leaderboard for our dashboards
Matching the cadence of communicate with time to act - frequency for update
Use of data mart for speed and reliability
Data Quality
Identify gaps with the data - transparency
Issues we have with HO data or any other sources will require time to fix. Communicate and educate crew that not everything in our hand when it comes to fixing data quality. Example: HO, Member data
Automated testing of data integrit
Provide a pattern way to test the data is correct (number of rows, number of levels in each variable)
Manual Process
A voice for feedback
Find out manual processes that crew are still running in order to create reports or analyse data. Manual reports like final revenue figures or epc reports globally still require manual process due to not having real revenue figures
Complaint form for innovation to identify pain points
Big % of PM, CS, Tech crew don't know we exist and can help with their decision making. Discover what data they regularly need or they monitor frequently or if they have any manual process for data discovery. If we can make it work, it will help with cell B19-20 as well
A secition with link to submit their manual process that we could help automate
Complete picture
Tracking changes and the result of their action
Match content changes with trends
Action VS Result using data: Each team takes action to improve XYZ performance. (Site speed, conversion, organic traffic etc) Each action will impact one or few unique metrics. Create one directory of all actions. e.g. similar to GA annotation, we can have a directory in google sheet. [Date | Niche | Country | Action Item | Team] - Map this data with top key mrtrics. This will be dependent on inputs from each team globally.
Lessons learnt FAQ
Study anomalies
Anodot to identify strange patterns and study it
More real time alerting on key metrics. Will need to increase Anodot budget
Word cloud
Funnel of source for conversions
Average number of page views per user. Activity
educate & communicate
not show too much information
educate & communicate
encourage use
provide more insight
improve data quality
not show too much information
educate & communicate
encourage use
provide more complete data
provide more insight
improve data quality
decrease manual processing
not show too much information
educate & communicate
encourage use
provide more complete data
provide more insight
improve data quality
decrease manual processing
not show too much information