MORPHINE SA (SEVREDOL): DOSE: 5-10mg. Indications: opioid analgesia, moderate to sever pain and associated anxiety. Contraindications: paralytic ileus, hepatic/renal impairment, respiratory depression, heart failure, obstructive pulmonary condition, hypotension, CNS depression. Precautions: myocardial or pulmonary impairment, CNS depression, asthma. Adverse effects: constipation, sedation, aspiration, headache, paraesthesia, syncope, apnoea, SVT, bradycardia, hyper or hypotension. Interactions: opioids, opioid antagonists, CNS depressants, anticoagulants, anticholinergics, antihypertensives, antidiarrhoeals (Morphine, 2016).