Buddhism is primarily a contemplative religion. Nevertheless, from its earliest times there has been a strong social justice ethic, born from the fundamental principle of compassionate action. According to the Buddha, as human beings, we make choices (karma) that have consequences via karmaphala; if they are akusala and hence, informed by the 3 Kleshas of Loba, Dosa & Moha, the outcome will be suffering. In the sphere of social justice, the Buddha pointed out that, when Loba becomes excessive, it creates conflict that is rooted in the reality of limited resources; the earth is generous and abundant but can only apply so much. When some decide to take for themselves beyond what is reasonable, others go without. Thus, inequality is born, from which stems jealousy, distrust, lies, crime and violence. To manage these stresses, humans invent social constructs such as laws, customs, tradition, classes, private property and government