Metal age
Neolithic age
Paleolithic age
-They where hunters -They were gatherers -They were nomadic -They live in natural shelters -Discover how to use fire -Make tools -Do cave art
Nomadic means they do seasonal movments and live in natural shelters
They start walking upright and this improve the use of there hand so they can make tools and they could walk longer distances
And it start 2,5 million years ago and finish 8000 bc
Start 8000bc and finish 4000bc
-They start making their homes -Population increas -Become sedentary -Social difference appear
They invent poettery and hoe and sickle
Sedentary means settle down, settlement
Start in 4000bc and finish 3000bc
Had three states
Copper age, in 4000bc and tools were very fragile
Bronzer age, in 3000bc start being more resistance
Iron age, in 1000bc
There were new economic activitys
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Blacksmith, make weaponds and tools
Traders, exchange products