Cultivate Creativity

Determine what to prototype

Write down the key elements

Pick few questions to answer

Think about the prototypes that most suitable to solve the problem

Learning from the process

How to decide what ideas to prototype

Group Effect

Democratic in decision making

Search for Conflicts

Find out if it is the best shot

Test assumptions

Draw the user story

Affinity Diagramming for Collaboratively Sorting UX Findings and Design Ideas

Affinity Diagrams

Organize related facts into distinct clusters

Ideas that surface in design-ideation meetings

Ideas about UX strategy and vision

Observations or ideas from a research study

Generate the sticky notes

Organize the notes in groups

Workshop leader

Communicate agenda and goals

Describe what people should be doing

Track and communicate time

Get all the notes on the wall

Facilitate moving past any issues that may arise



Enlist some help and put on the walls

Choose rooms have wall to attach sticky notes.

Create a few category names to start the sorting

Add a ? category name

Put pens, markers, and sticky notes on table


Sort into top-level categories

Sort each of those categories into subcategories

Summarize those categories

Determine priorities

Plan subsequent design meetings as needed

Usability Test findings

Design Ideation


reminds the team members of what they saw


Helps the team gain a shared understanding after each user

enables summarize results quickly and make changes


Takes lot of time

Deter stakeholders from coming to the final meeting.

Evaluation Methods

When to use

issues seem too large and complex to grasp

group consensus is necessary

confronted with many facts or ideas in apparent chaos

General steps

Record each idea with a marking pen on a separate sticky note or card

Look for ideas that seem to be related in some way and place them side by side

Begin a discussion with team

Combine groups into supergroups

Pass-fail Evaluation

Evaluation Matrix

SWOT Analysis

Review large number of ideas in a short time

Does it talk the company target audience?

Does the idea budget acceptable

Does this idea comply with company strategy

The idea contribution in company's overall strategic outcome

The idea's potential impact

Expected stakeholders

Expected budget to apply the idea

Timelines to implement the idea


What are the current existing idea resources

How others may see the strength of the idea

What can the idea be successful in

What are the idea's advantages


How can the ideas be improved

What does the idea lack in term of experience, team and resources?

What can prevent the idea from success

How do others see the ideas in terms of weaknesses



How the company can help the idea to succeed

What opportunities do the ideas have in the market

What are the obstacles that face the idea

Do the idea weaknesses represent any thread to its success

What are the financial problem that may face the idea

How to select the best idea by the end of an ideation session

Four Categories Method

The Bingo Selection

Post-it voting

The Idea Affinity Diagram

give all participants a number of votes to choose and write down their personal favourite ideas

vote by using stickers or simply using a marker to make a dot on the ideas they like

write all of the ideas which have been generated in the ideation session down on individual Post-its

Long shot


Most delightful

Most rational

Digital Prototype

Experience Prototype

Physical Prototype

Idea Selection

Now Wow How Matrix




ideas that can be implemented immediately but which lack novelty

ideas that can be implemented and are innovative

ideas that could possibly be implemented in the future

Decide which idea to implement

Remove duplicate ideas


Is it worth doing

Can we do it

Are we interested in doing it

Evaluate ideas

Multiple voting

The decision matrix

5 ways of Brainstorm

Get to the bottom of the stack

Office hour

Musical Chairs

The slow build

The silent circuit

Brainstorm rules

Set a time limit

Start with a problem statement

Defer judgement or criticism, including non-verbal

Encourage weird, wacky and wild ideas

Aim for quantity

Build on each others' ideas

Be visual

One conversation at a time


Individual brainstorm



Pitfalls to avoid

Office politics

Group think

Default to convergence

Lack of momentum

Wasting time

Going off topic

Emotional attachment

Good ideas get lost

Lack of decision-making

Excluding introverts and remote workers