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Population and the Environment (Environment and Population (Types of…
Population and the Environment
Environment and Population
Patterns of food consumption and production
Europe, North America and Oceania have food security
Half of LICs have insufficient land to grow food and cant afford to import
780 million undernourished
All countries with over 5% undernourishment are in global south
East Africa has highest % of undernourishment
Agricultural Systems
2 billion people employed
Physical environment factors
Temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Soil Quality, Relief
Types of Farming
Arable- Cereal and root crops on fertile soil
Pastoral- Livestock rearing
Mixed- arable and livestock, diversification
Intensive- high investment in labour and capital, high yields per hectare, technology, greenhouses, irrigation
Commercial- agribusiness, specialization, high investment, high profit
Extensive- low yield per hectare, low investment
Subsistence- production for own consumption
Relationship with physical environment
Affects 21 Asian countries and half the worlds population
May to October
Rice farming relies on it
Covers 20% of worlds surface
Restricted to fishing, tourism and mineral extraction
Indigenous population
Zonal System
Zonal- mature soil reflecting climate and vegetation Intrazonal- reflecting other factors like parent rock Azonal- immature and skeletal, poor profile
Europe and N.America
Rainfall low but exceed evapotranspiration
Coniferous trees retain moisture in soil
Poor nutrient cycle
Red Latosol
relatively infertile
Humus layer
Rapid nutrient recycling
hot, wet, predictable climate
Increasing Food security
Improving Agricultural Productivity
Economic growth
Expansion of social protection
Soil erosion and degradation
Reduced rainfall- vegetation cant grow
Fertilizer and pesticides- loss of natural nutrients
GM crops- over cultivation
Climate change- vegetation cant grow
Wind erosion
Crop Rotation
Planting trees for shelter
Contour planning and terraces- reduce water erosion
Organic Farming
irrigation- water binds soil
Controlling urban growth- preserve farmland
Control population growth
Dust Storms
Top soil erosion
Reduced Crop yields
Environment, Health and Wellbeing
Health, Mortality and Morbidity
Mortality- death
Morbidity- Illness
Richer countries have higher life expectancy
Epidemiological Transition
Factors affecting health
Wealth, Age, Gender, Environment, Lifestyle, Physical Activity, Diet, Climate
Environmental Variables and Health
Seasonal Affected Disorder
Hay Fever and Asthma
Flooding- waterborne diseases, respiratory infections
Large scale seasonal mortality
Drought- malnutrition, famine
Air Quality
Particulate air pollution from exhaust
Sulphur dioxide- respiratory problems
Carbon monoxide- binds to red blood cells
Nitrogen dioxide alters lung function
Ozone- permanent lung damage, eyes, nose and throat
Plastics degrade- micro plastics
Poor air quality- 3.7 million deaths in 2017
Water Quality
High aluminium content linked to Alzheimer's
2 million deaths a year due to unlean wtaer
Cholera- bacteria in water
Malaria- water related vector
Topography and Drainage
Poor drainage increases flooding
Landslides, avalanches- high mortality
LICs- floodplains highly populated
floods contaminate fresh water
Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes
Transmitted by mosquitoes
Symptoms include fever, headaches, seizures and death
3.2 billion people at risk
Present in 97 countries
214 million cases every year
Factors affecting
Lifespan of mosquito, immunity, Climate, rural vs urban
Millennium Development Goal: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria
Eradicate Parisite
Lariam and Maralome Tablets (but cost £3 a tablet!)
Continued search for a vaccine
On use of insect repellent
On use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs)
WHO 'roll back malaria' campaign Bill and Melinda Gates
Eradicate Mosquito
Chemicals and insecticides
Mustard seeds on water- become wet and sticky and drown the mosquitoes
Larvae eating fish introduced
Genetic engineering to stop them breeding
Coronary Heart Disease
Heart's blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build up of fatty substances in the arteries
Kills 17.7 million a year- biggest global killer
Factors that increase risk
High fat diet, Wealth, Smoking, Drinking, Lack of Exercise, Culture and religion
Management and Mitigation
Improving Diet
Pescribed medicines
Health education
Policies and Legislation on unhealthy habits
Healthcare costs £9bn
Population Change
Demographic Transition Model
Warren Thompson 1929
Demographic Dividend
Large working population- economic growth, fertility decline, lower dependency ratio, window of opportunity for economic growth
Push and Pull Factors
Advantages and disadvantages for host and origin
Over 1 million have left Venezuela- push
2 million Brits in Spain- Pull
Population Ecology
Overpopulation- Too many people for the resources or technology available to provide adequate standard of living
Underpopulation- insufficient people to fully utilise the resources
Optimum Population- population is balanced with resources to provide adequate standard of living
Carrying Capacity- The number of people, animals or crops a region can support without environmental degradation
Ecological Footprint- Measure of the demands placed by humans on the environment
Population Checks
Preventative or Positive
Restore population back to a level that can be sustained
Population grows faster than resources
18th Century- Essay on the Principles of Population
Danish agricultural economist
Population growth has positive impacts
Forces humans to develop technology and innovate to survive
Green revolution, GMO crops, one child policy
Tends to ignore the future environmental impacts
Case Studies
World's highest incidence
478 cases per 1000 per year
50% of deaths are under 5s
accounts for 27% of deaths
1/4 of children not protected by spray or nets
28 000 AIDS related deaths
Stigma around vulnerable groups- sex workers, drug users, less likely to seek help
1.4 million- 6.5% of adults
2014- 1660 health facilities offered antiretroviral treatment
Climate and soils
Average daily temperature is 25-32C
Rainy seasons March-May and September- November
Most of land is green
Fertile Soils
Locally grown foods- maize, millet, bananas
Physical geography
On the equator
1/5 of area is water
Demographic Dividend
High birth rate- 2 generations on they will have a very high working population
Depends on political stability, education, gender eqquality
Requires birth rate to decrease
Concerns about lack of democracy
Social Context
2003- 38% lived in poverty
Growing pop, unemployment and underemployment
Relatively high access to education- literacy 67%
healthy diet
80% employed in agriculture
Only 1/4 that enroll finish primary school
GDPpc $604
Idi Amin- Dictator 60s and 70s
Colonised in 1888, independent in 1961
Population 45 million
Political stability improved since 1986
Population Characteristics
High Birth rate- 7 per woman
77% of pop under 30
3.2% population growth
Equal male and female
Future Development
Tourism- Natural beauty, wildlife
25% of govt budget is investment
Progression toward higher wealth inequality
Food security
Production of cereals has doubles in 25 years
Relatively food secure
A delay in the rainy season would have a huge impact on food security