Women's role in gangs are often hampered by what is now slowly taking over as street gang's no.1 industry: prostitution. With gangs seeking a low risk alternative to drug dealing, prostitution has certainly come to be a much safer option that is hard to be exploited by the police. Contrary to what many people believe, prostitutes themselves aren't actually gang members, they are people who simply work for gang members. With this being said, the majority of pimps are gang members who benefit the most from the work of their prostitutes. Pimping or prostitution also defines a gang's status, so the more prostitutes they have, the more status for the gang. Most of these prostitutes are either girlfriends of gang members turned over into becoming sex-workers, victims of human trafficking, or runaways. After being involved with this line of work, many of them are contracted with AIDs. (Townsend. 2012.), (Arthur. 2018.)