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E209 Week 19- Introduction to Block 4 Science (revisit audit A19.1…
E209 Week 19- Introduction to Block 4 Science
revisit audit A19.1
independent variable
- the changing bit
controlled variable
- the constant bit
- what the experimented parts are compared against
- to how many decimal points. secs/days, m/mm
- correct or incorrect
- repeat of the experiment gives similar results?
- shows what it aims to? the independent variable and controlled variables are affecting dependant variable in an informative way?§ion=1
Working scientifically and key terms
Clarification/ elaboration of what an
hypothesis, a theory and a model
- proven. seen as fact but not called fact as could be disproved if new info came to light
model - eg. animal testing, car crash dummy, computer predict weather
dependant variable
- I was correct - the bit affected/observed
living/non living/dead - MRS GREN
I had Carbon, starts as single cell etc
echinoderm- I found out sea creatures with distinctive shape . had assumed could shed their skin (like a snake) -logic based on 'derm' -§ion=2.1
children confused as 'animal' includes humans. Also they think animal 4 legs & furry (mammal) plus no such thing as FISH - 4 classes
and breathing are often conflated and confused§ion=3.2
Respiration occurs in all living cells and is the process by which energy is released from food (glucose)
Breathing is sometimes termed
- intestines external???! poo is
but reader talks of breathing/ventilation as respiratory system !!!
lack of protein = kwashiorkor, (very underweight but has a swollen belly)- I thought general malnutrition !!§ion=3.4§ion=2
Discovering Children's ideas
TMA pt1
draw pic? - label diagram etc?
true/false statements
creative writing :if you were a leaf or a blood droplet
sorting activities-
what criteria children use to classify objects? Real objects or pictures can be used
concept cartoon (3 or so statements- which do you agree with?)
predict & explain (bath floating?)
not about finding out about what children ‘know’, but about probing conceptual understanding to find out how they understand scientific concepts.
Many people do not feel that they were successful in science at school; some are even hostile towards science or show pride in their ignorance.§ion=3.1§ion=3.1
Ai Withers AV
Doesn't remember science at her primary school
Remembers the bunsen burners bit not actual experiments or whether did any investigations- believe times have changed.
turned up at secondary school feeling quite inferior about science
Cross curricula !!!
grouping the children is integral to them working well independently
does not think 'now we're doing maths' 'now we're doing science''s 'all in together' 'we have science in lots of other subjects' 'we have lots of other subject sin science' 'eg. recent shadows changing project'
Vanessa Van de Peer AV
likes the experiments- even when go wrong- that's When the questions come
appreciates the different areas of science are different- she felt that as a child and is relating that now,
life experience, even yr 6, is amazing- kids don't realise it's science- they know stuff already..breathing etc.
James Turner AV - Drama guy
again doesn't remember much from his primary years. Highlight in secondary school was the bunsen burners. He switched off because mostly notebased. Still has negative view
thinks more interaction and experts in the field talking would be beneficial.
found chemistry formulas difficult
he's realising as maturing (gap year ignited) that science is etc
Now - children expected to ask questions fuels enthusiasm
all only to GCSE level !!
Many teachers nad ST
not for girls !§ion=3.2
wear white coats
Dr Brian Cox and female scientists are dispelling some of these misconceptions
can face political, philosophical, ethical and religious arguments§ion=3.4
To view scientific knowledge as ‘fact’ or ‘truth’ would be to ignore the nature of the human beings at the heart of it. In practice, knowledge is constructed through human senses – a process that will always involve an element of subjectivity.§ion=3.5
Science’s very strength, suggested
Wenham and Ovens (2010
, p. 9), is that it is open to ‘criticism and correction
The scientific method tries to eliminate biases, subjectivity and idiosyncratic ideas from its body of knowledge and produce an objective paradigm or theory.
Attenborough clip§ion=3.6
why not credit our almighty creator?...your God also created the worm blinding child before age5!!
Projects A&B
Questions that ask for the child to remember something or apply a rule are unlikely to reveal the child’s conceptual understanding.§ion=2
reader chapters 2, 3 & 4
Chapter 4
older kids know names of organs but not functions, locations or size p.42
Skeleton- kids draw floating bones p.43
tendons- 'strong, inelastic, fibrous tissue' p.45
skeletal muscles only pull -so work in
pairs p45
smooth muscles= involuntary movement
cardiac muscle- heart p.45
endocrine=hormones p.47
circulatory system - pulmonary circuit (heart, lungs, heart. Systemic circuit- heart, body, heart
lack of sleep p.55